
Configuring Quick Lists 

A quick list is a popup that contains a custom set of MPS commands and associated with a keyboard or mouse shortcut. You can create as many quick lists as necessary. Each command, included in a quick list, is identified by a sequential number. Numbering starts from the numerals (0 to 9), and then proceeds with the letters in alphabetical order.

To invoke a command from a quick list 

  1. Invoke quick list by its keyboard shortcut.

  2. Select the desired command, using its number, the mouse cursor, or navigation keys and the Enter key:


To configure a quick list 

  1. In the Settings/Preferences dialog (Ctrl+Alt+S), click Quick Lists under Appearance and Behavior. The Quick Lists page opens.

  2. Click icons general add svg to create a new quick list.

  3. In the Display name field, specify the name of the quick list. Optionally, provide the quick list description.

  4. Configure the quick list. Use:
    • Add to add actions to the list. Select the actions in the Add Actions to Quick List dialog that opens.

    • Add Separator to add a separator at the end of the list.

    • Move Up and Move Down to move the selected item one line up or down in the list.

    • Remove to remove the selected item from the list.

  5. Apply the changes.

  6. Bind the new quick list with one or more shortcuts:
    • In the Keymaps page of the Settings/Preferences dialog, expand the Quick Lists node and select the new quick list.

    • Perform the key binding procedure. Note that you can only modify a custom keymap.

  7. Apply the changes and close the dialog.

Last modified: 5 July 2019