
Favorites Tool Window 

View | Tool Windows | Favorites

The Favorites tool window lets you manage the following lists:

  • Favorite project items. Each list of Favorites in the tool window appears with the star icon the Favorite icon.

  • Bookmarks. The list of bookmarks is marked with the Bookmark icon.

  • Breakpoints. The list of breakpoints is marked with the Breakpoint icon.

The lists of bookmarks and breakpoints are filled in automatically, as the new bookmarks or breakpoints are added.

To add items to favorites, do one of the following:

  • Select one or more items in the Project Tool Window or the Find tool window. Then choose File | Add To Favorites.

  • Right-click an editor tab, and select Add to Favorites or Add All to Favorites.

Toolbar buttons 




the Add buttonAlt+Insert

Use this button to create a new list of favorite items. In the Add New Favorites List dialog, specify the name for the new list and click OK.

the Remove buttonAlt+Delete

Use this button to delete the selected list or list item.

Depending on the selection, the following behaviors take place:

  • If a Favorites list the Favorite icon, or one of the nested favorites is selected, click this button to delete an entire favorites list, or the selected item. So doing an item or a list is deleted from the Favorites tool window, but is left intact in project.

  • If a bookmark under the Bookmarks list the Bookmark icon is selected, click this button to delete this bookmark from the list and from the source code.
    Vice versa, if a bookmark is deleted from the source code, it is also removed from the Favorites tool window.

  • If a breakpoint under the Breakpoints list the Breakpoint icon is selected, click this button to delete the selected breakpoint from the list and from the source code.
    Vice versa, if a breakpoint is deleted from the source code, it is also removed from the Favorites tool window.

Context menu commands 

When you right-click an item in the content pane, the context menu for this item is shown. This menu provides access to all the functions available for the selected item.

The commands and functionally are similar to those in the Project tool window.

Title bar context menu and buttons 

You can right-click on the window title bar and use the context menu to configure its viewing mode, associate the window with a different tool window bar, or resize and hide the window.

You can also use the toolbar buttons:




Collapse allCtrl+NumPad -

Use this button to collapse all expanded nodes in the current view.

icons general gearPlain svg

Click this button to access a subset of the context menu commands that let you configure window's viewing mode.

Hide tool windowShift+Escape

Use this icon or shortcut to hide the tool window.

When used in combination with the Alt key, clicking this icon hides all the tool windows attached to the same tool window bar.

Context menu of the side bar button 

Right-click the side bar button to reveal this context menu. Refer to the section Tool Windows Viewing Modes for the detailed information about the viewing modes.



Show Members

Use this command to turn the Show Members option on or off.

If this option is on, the class members (fields, methods, etc.) are shown.

Autoscroll to Source

Use this command to turn the Autoscroll to Source option on or off.

If this option is on, MPS automatically navigates from a file (or a class member) selected in the Favorites tool window to the corresponding source file (or its fragment) in the editor. If the corresponding file is not currently open, it will open automatically.

Autoscroll from Source

Use this command to turn the Autoscroll from Source option on or off.

If this option is on, MPS automatically navigates from a file (or a class member) selected in the editor, to the corresponding file in the Favorites tool window.

Show Toolbar


Check the Tool Windows Viewing Modes detailed description.

Remove from Sidebar

Select this option to close the window and remove it from the sidebar. To return it, press Alt+2.

Move to

Use this option to move the window according to your preference.


Use this option to resize the window. You can stretch it in different directions or maximize it.


Use this option to close the window.

Using drag-and-drop 

You can use drag-and-drop to:

  • Add items to favorites: drag the item of interest from the Project tool window and drop it onto the desired favorites list in the Favorites tool window.

  • Drag an external item from the Explorer/Finder and drop it onto the desired favorites list in the Favorites tool window.

  • Move an item from one favorites list to another in the Favorites tool window.

Last modified: 5 July 2019