
Project Tool Window 

View | Tool Windows | Project

This tool window lets you look at your project from various viewpoints and perform the tasks such as creating new items (directories, files, classes, and so on), opening files in the editor, navigating to the code fragment of interest, and more.

Most of the functions in this tool window are accessed as context menu commands in the content pane and associated shortcuts.


The tool window provides you with the following views:

  • Project view. In this view, all the project items along with their dependencies (SDKs and libraries) are shown. The emphasis is on the directory structure (though the packages are also shown).

The necessary view is selected from the list in the left-hand part of the title bar or, if the views are represented by tabs, by clicking the corresponding tab.

To configure a view, use the corresponding options in the title bar context menu. The necessary options can also be accessed by clicking Settings on the title bar.

Title bar context menu 

The context menu that appears by right-clicking on the title bar, provides settings for project views.

The following table lists and briefly explains the available commands and options.




Autoscroll to Source

If this option is on, MPS will automatically open the selected item in the editor. Otherwise, you need to double-click items to open them.

Autoscroll from Source

If this option is on, MPS automatically locates documents that you open in the editor in the current view of this window.

Pinned, Docked, Floating, Windowed, Split Mode

These options let you control general appearance and behavior of the tool window.

Remove from Sidebar

This command hides the tool window, removes the button for showing and hiding the tool window and removes the tool window from the quick access menu ( tb shown or tb hidden).

To open the tool window again (and restore the associated features), use the main menu: View | Tool Windows | <Window Name>.

Group Tabs

If this option is on, there is a list in the left-hand part of the title bar from which you can select the necessary view. If this option is off, the views are represented by tabs which appear in the left-hand part of the title bar.

show views as tabs

Move to

To associate the tool window with a different tool window bar, select this command, and then select the destination tool window bar (Top, Left, Bottom or Right).


To resize the tool window by moving one of its borders, select this command, and then select the necessary Stretch to option.

Note that this command is not available for the floating mode.



Use this command to hide the tool window.

Title bar buttons 




Next tab Previous tab Alt+Right

If the views are currently shown as tabs (the Group Tabs option is off), this button appears to the right of the last visible tab.

If the first or the last of the available views is currently selected, this button is shown as Next or Previous.

Click this button to open the list of views, for example, to select a different view.

Scroll from Source Click this icon to navigate from a file in the editor to the corresponding node (file, class, field, method, and so on) in the Project tool window.

This icon is not available if the Autoscroll from Source option is currently on.

collapse all Ctrl+NumPad -

Use this icon or shortcut to collapse all the nodes.

settings Use this button to open a menu whose options are a subset of the title bar context menu.
Hide tool windowShift+Escape

Use this icon or shortcut to hide the tool window.

When used in combination with the Alt key, clicking this icon hides all the tool windows attached to the same tool window bar.

Content pane 

The content pane shows the folders associated with your project and their contents, or your database consoles grouped by DB data sources.

Context menu commands for the content pane items 

The context menu of an item provides access to all the functions available for this item.






Use this command to create a new item (directory, file, or class). within the selected one (project or directory).



Use this command to move the selected item or items from the current location to the clipboard.



Use this command to copy the selected item or items to the clipboard.



Use this command to insert the contents of the clipboard into the selected location.

Jump to Source


Use this command to open the selected file in the editor. If the file is already open, the corresponding editor tab will become active.

Copy Path(s)


Use this command to copy the full path(s) of the selected item or items to the clipboard.

Find Usages


Use this command to find the usages of the selected item. (The Find Usages dialog will open.)

Find in Path


Use this command to perform a text search. (Find in Path dialog will open.)

Replace in Path


Use this command to perform text search-and-replace. (Replace in Path dialog will open.)


Use this command to perform one of the refactorings available for the selected item.

For example, you can rename, move and copy files and directories.



Use this command to delete the selected item. Use with care!

Run '<item_name>'
Debug '<item_name>'


Run a test configuration.

Local History

Use this command to view local history for the selected file or directory, or to create a label for the current version of your project.

Synchronize '<item_name>'

Use this command to synchronize the selected item with its version saved in the file system.

(If you change a file or directory contents externally, MPS, under certain circumstances, may not be aware of the corresponding changes unless you use this command.)

Show in Explorer

Use this command to open a file browser (for example, Windows Explorer or Finder) and show the selected item there.

File status highlights 

If VCS integration is enabled for the current project, MPS uses colors to denote VCS file status in the Project tool window. The following table presents information about the meaning of the colors.


File Status


Color sample: dark green #0A7700


The file in the active changelist is scheduled for addition to the repository.

Color sample: green #0EAA00

Added in not active changelist

The file in an inactive changelist is scheduled for addition to the repository. This file status is available if the Highlight files from non-active changelists option is enabled in Settings/Preferences | Version Control | Changelists.

Color sample: red #FF0000

Changelist conflict

The file in an inactive changelist has been modified in the active changelist. In this case, a new dialog will open prompting you to resolve the changelist conflict. This file status is available if all options are enabled in Settings/Preferences | Version Control | Changelists.

Color sample: dark green #0A7700


If a file is a copy of another file, its metadata is tracked, and such a file is marked as copied.

Color sample: grey #616161


The file is scheduled for deletion from the repository.

Color sample: dull purple #773895

Deleted from file system

The file has been deleted locally, but hasn't been scheduled for deletion, and it still exists in the repository.

Color sample: light grayish blue #8AA4C8

Have changed descendants

If a file is modified, the IDE will recursively highlight all directories containing that file. This status is available if the Show directories with changed descendants option is enabled in Settings/Preferences | Version Control.

Color sample: bright blue #3264B4

Have immediate changed children

If a file is modified, the IDE will highlight its parent directory. This status is available if the Show directories with changed descendants option is enabled in Settings/Preferences | Version Control.

Color sample: dark olive #727238


A file is intentionally untracked by VCS.

Color sample: purple #7503DC


The file is merged by your VCS as a result of an update.

Color sample: red #FF0000

Merged with conflicts

During the last update, the file has been merged with conflicts.

Color sample: red #FF0000

Merged with property conflicts

During the last update, the IDE has detected differences between the properties of the local file and its server version.

Color sample: red #FF0000

Merged with text and property conflicts

Text and property conflicts happen when two or more developers modify the same lines of a file and the same file properties.

Color sample: bright navy #0032A0


The file has changed since the last synchronization.

Color sample: blue #0047E4

Modified in not active changelist

The file in an inactive changelist has been modified. This file status is available if the Highlight files from non-active changelists option is enabled in Settings/Preferences | Version Control | Changelists.

Color sample: Olive #7C7C00


The file should no longer be in your working copy of the repository.

Color sample: teal #007C7C


Since the last update, the file has been renamed.

Color sample: dark cyan #08978F


[SVN] The file is taken from a different branch than the whole project.

Color sample: brown #993300

(Unknown) Unversioned

The file exists locally, but is not in the repository, and is not scheduled for addition.

Color sample: black None (default color)

Up to date

The file hasn't been changed.

Last modified: 5 July 2019