
Ignore Unversioned Files 

File | Settings | Version Control | Ignored Files for Windows and Linux
MPS | Preferences | Version Control | Ignored Files for macOS
the Settings/Preferences icon

The dialog opens when you click the Add the Add button or Edit the Edit button button on the Ignored Files page.

Use this dialog to configure rules that define which files and folders should be ignored by version control systems. The files you want to ignore can be appointed explicitly by their names of through name patterns with wildcards. To ignore a directory, you need to specify the full path to it relative to the project root.

Select the relevant option and fill in the field next to it.



Ignore specified file

In this field, specify the name of the file to be ignored. Do one of the following:

  • Type the filename relative to the project root, for example, my_folder/my_subfolder1/my_subfolder2/my_file.

  • Click Browse browseButton.png and select the desired file in the Select File to Ignore dialog.

Ignore all files under

In this field, specify the name of the directory to be ignored. Do one of the following:

  • Type the directory name relative to the project root, for example, my_folder/my_subfolder1/.

  • Click Browse browseButton.png and select the desired folder in the Select Directory to Ignore dialog.

The rule is applied recursively to all subdirectories of the specified directory. If a directory has several subdirectories and you want only one of them ignored, specify the required directory explicitly, for example, my_folder/my_subfolder1/my_subfolder2/.

Ignore all files matching

In this field, specify a pattern that defines the names of files to ignore. The rule is applied to all directories under the project root.
Last modified: 5 July 2019

See Also