
Ignored Files 

File | Settings | Version Control | Ignored Files for Windows and Linux
MPS | Preferences | Version Control | Ignored Files for macOS
Ctrl+Alt+S the Settings/Preferences icon

Use this dialog to configure a list of files and directories that you do not want to put under version control. These can be file names associated with VCS administration, backup files, and any other artifacts that you want to remain unversioned. You can also specify patterns of files you want to ignore.




the Add buttonAlt+Insert

Use this icon or shortcut to add an item to the list. The Ignore Unversioned Files dialog opens where you can type an exact path to a file or directory to be ignored or specify a pattern that defines the names of files and directories to be ignored.

the Edit iconEnter

Use this icon or shortcut to edit the selected path or pattern in the Ignore Unversioned Files dialog.

the Remove iconAlt+Delete

Use this icon or shortcut to remove the selected path or pattern from the list.

Two characters can be used as wildcards:

  • *: to replace any string.

  • ?: to replace a single character.

For example, *.iml will ignore all files with the IML extension; *.?ml will ignore all files whose extension ends with ml.

Last modified: 5 July 2019

See Also