
Favorites View 

Project Tool Window | View as | Favorites

Favorites view helps you group the most needed items in the Favorite lists.

This section describes how to:

To add items to Favorites 

  1. Select one or more items in the Project tool window or open a file in the Editor, and do one of the following:
    • Choose Add to Favorites on the main View menu, or on the context menu of the selection.

    • Press Alt+V, and then press A.

  2. On the submenu, select an existing Favorites list, or choose Add to New Favorites List.

  3. In the Add New Favorites List dialog enter the desired group name, or accept default.

To remove items from Favorites 

  1. Select one or more items in the Favorites view.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • Choose Remove from Favorites on the context menu.

    • Press Ctrl+Delete.

To delete Favorites lists 

  1. Show Favorites view.

  2. Right-click Favorites list and choose one of the following commands:
    • Delete Favorites List <name>, to delete the current list.

    • Delete All Favorites Lists Except <name>, to delete all lists except the current one.

To rename a Favorites list 

  1. Show Favorites view.

  2. Right-click Favorites list and choose Rename Favorites list on the context menu.

  3. In the dialog New Name for Favorites List, enter the new name and click OK.

To move Favorites items between the Favorite lists 

  1. In the Favorites view, right-click the necessary item.

  2. Choose Send to Favorites on the context menu.

  3. On the submenu, select the target list, or choose Send to New Favorites List, to create a new one.

Last modified: 5 July 2019