Search #
Function | Shortcut | Use this shortcut to... |
Find | Ctrl+F | Initiate text search. |
Replace | Ctrl+R | Initiate text search and replace. |
Search for next/ | F3/Shift+F3 | Navigate to the next/previous occurrence of a selected word in the editor. |
Find Word at Caret | Ctrl+F3 | Search in the editor for the word where the caret is currently located. |
Incremental Search | Ctrl+F | Initiate text search. |
Find in Path | Ctrl+Shift+F | |
Replace in Path | Ctrl+Shift+R | |
Find Usages | Alt+F7 | Initiate search for usages of the selected symbol in the specified scope. |
Find Usages in File | Ctrl+F7 | Initiate search for usages of the selected symbol in the current file. |
Highlight Usages in File | Ctrl+Shift+F7 | Highlight usages of a symbol at caret. |
Show Usages | Ctrl+Alt+F7 | Show usages of a symbol at caret in a popup. Use list of found usages to jump to the desired location. |
Find Action | Ctrl+Shift+A | Find an action, bypassing menus. See Finding Actions. |