MPS 2024.1 Help

Definition and type definition

Show Definition and Show Implementation dialogs show you where and how your project symbols (tags, classes, methods/functions, fields, etc) are defined. The Show Definition dialog shows the target of the reference under caret.

show definition

The Show Implementation dialog shows BaseLanguage methods that implement or override the method under caret.

show definition

Select a symbol and press Ctrl+Shift+I to initiate the dialog. Definitions are shown in the Definition popup window.

Toolbar of the quick definition lookup

Use the icons on the toolbar of the popup to navigate to the source code of the definition and view its usages.


Keyboard shortcut


Alt+Shift+Left, Alt+Shift+Right

Navigate to the previous/next implementation in the Show Implementation popup.


Open the source code of the definition for editing, and close the quick definition lookup window.

View the definition source code


Open the source code of the definition, and preserve the quick definition lookup window opened.

Last modified: 26 May 2024