Intention actions
As you work in the editor, AppCode analyzes your code, searches for ways to optimize it, and detects potential and actual problems.
As soon as the IDE finds a way to alter your code, it displays a yellow bulb icon in the editor next to the current line. By clicking this icon, you can view intention actions available for this unit of code. Intention actions cover a wide range of situations from warnings to optimization suggestions. You can view the full list of intentions and customize them in the Preferences dialog ⌃ ⌥ S.
A red bulb with an exclamation mark indicates that AppCode has detected a problem, and prompts you to select an associated fix — a quick-fix. Quick-fixes and intention actions together are called context actions.
Code inspections also provide quick-fixes but they have different settings. For more information, refer to Code inspections.
Apply intention actions
Click the bulb icon (or press ⌥ ⏎) to open the list of suggestions and select an action from the list.
For some intention actions, you can open a preview by pressing ⌃ ⇧ I (View | Quick Definition).
Press ⏎ to apply the selected intention. For example, you can use an intention action to get rid of explicit types in variable declarations:
GifYou can use quick-fixes to resolve problems on the fly. For example, if you use a class that you haven't imported yet, you can use the quick-fix to add the missing import statement:
View all intention actions
You can view the full list of available intention actions, and disable actions that you do not need:
In the Preferences dialog ⌃ ⌥ S, go to Editor | Intentions.
For each intention action, you can see a description and an example. To disable an intention, clear the checkbox next to it.
Apply the changes and close the dialog.
Disable intention actions on the fly
Click the light bulb icon (or press ⌥ ⏎) to open the list of suggestions.
Select the action you want to disable, and click the right arrow.
Select Disable <intention action name>.