AppCode 2022.2 Help

Debugging iOS Apps with Reveal

AppCode supports integration with Reveal — a tool for debugging iOS applications that lets you edit and modify views in your running application on the fly, without recompiling. With Reveal, you can inspect view elements and hierarchies of your iOS apps in real time with 2D and 3D visualisations and quickly debug view layout and rendering problems.

Before you start

  1. In the Preferences dialog (⌃ ⌥ S), go to Plugins | Installed and check that the AppCode Reveal Integration bundled plugin is enabled.

  2. Make sure that Reveal 1.0.4 or later is installed on your computer.

Configure Reveal

  1. From the main menu, choose Run | Edit Configurations.

  2. In the Run/Debug Configuration dialog, go to the Reveal tab.

    Configurations for Reveal
  3. Select the Inject Reveal library on launch checkbox to have the Reveal library automatically added to your project on launching Reveal.

  4. Select the Upload Reveal library on the device if necessary checkbox if you want the Reveal library to be uploaded and signed on your device.

  5. In the Before launch section, you can define whether you want to launch any external tool or another run/debug configuration before run.

Launch Reveal from AppCode

  1. Select a run/debug configuration and click the Run button ⇧ F10 or the Debug button ⇧ F9 to run or debug your application.

  2. In the Run or Debug tool window that opens, click the Show inReveal button:

    Reveal button in the Run tool window

    Your application will be opened in Reveal:

    Debugging with Reveal

Last modified: 17 March 2022