PhpStorm 2022.1 Help

Create New Project: Add Local Server

File | New Project From Existing Files | Web server is installed locally, source files are located under its document root

The page opens if you have selected the Add new local server option on the Create New Project: Specify Local Server page. On this page, define a new local Web server access configuration.




In this field, type the name of the new configuration.

Web server URL

In this field, type the URL address of the server configuration root ( The server configuration root is the highest folder in the file tree on the local or remote server accessible through the server configuration. For in-place servers, it is the project root. ).

Click Open URL in browser icon in the field to make sure that the specified server root URL address is accessible and points at the correct web page.

Both the HTTP and the HTTPS protocols are supported.

Last modified: 17 March 2022