PhpStorm 2022.1 Help

Create New Project: Specify Local Server

File | New Project From Existing Files | Web server is installed locally, source files are located under its document root

The page opens when you click Next on the Create New Project: Choose Project Directory page. On this page of the wizard, choose the local server access configuration to use. You can select an existing configuration or define a new one.



Add new local server

Select this option to move to the Create New Project: Add Local Server page and specify a new Web server configuration.

Use existing server

Select this option to use one of the existing Web server configurations from the list below.


This read-only field shows the name of the local server access configuration.


This read-only field shows the URL address of the server configuration root ( The server configuration root is the highest folder in the file tree on the local or remote server accessible through the server configuration. For in-place servers, it is the project root. ).

Don't check HTTP connection to server

  • When this checkbox is cleared, PhpStorm checks whether the specified URL address ensures successful connection to the server.

  • When this checkbox is selected, PhpStorm moves to the next page of the Wizard without any connection check.

Last modified: 14 March 2022