Saving Projects as Templates
You can save a project as a template. If you do so, you'll be able to create template-based projects, that is, the projects that are nearly identical to the template project.
The projects that you have saved as templates appear in the User-defined category in the Create New Project Dialog dialog.
Unnecessary templates can be deleted in the Manage Project Templates dialog.
Save a project as a template
From the main menu, select Tools | Save Project as Template.
In the dialog that opens, name the template and provide a description. For the description, you can use the
, and<i>
tags for formatting.
Templates are saved to the projectTemplates folder in the IDE configuration directory.
Create a project from a template
Click New Project on the Welcome screen or select File | New Project from the main menu.
In the dialog that opens, click the required template in the Templates section on the left.
Delete project templates
From the main menu, select Tools | Manage Project Templates.
Select the template that you want to remove and click