Getting started
Last modified: 12 January 2023The most important source of information about PhpStorm is this online help. To access it from PhpStorm, do one of the following:
From the main menu, select Help | Help.
Press F1 on the keyboard.
in a dialog or a tool window.
If you do not have internet access to view the online help, you can use the PhpStorm Help plugin, which serves the help pages via the built-in web server for offline use.
The offline help plugin is updated when a new major version is released. Changes that are added to online help during the release cycle may not be available in the offline help.
Contact support
If you can't find the information you need in the online help, you can contact the JetBrains support team.
Browse the PhpStorm Knowledge Base.
Create a topic in one of the community forums.
From the main menu, select Help | Contact Support to create a direct request for the support team.
Email our team at
Report bugs
If you encounter a bug or would like to suggest a new feature, use the PhpStorm issue tracker.
You can copy a message in the status bar to the clipboard and paste it when you search for solutions to some problems or add it to your issue in the PhpStorm issue tracker. Right-click the status bar and select Copy.
From the main menu, select Help | Submit a Bug Report.
Before submitting, it is a good idea to search the issue tracker for similar reports and feature requests to avoid duplicates. If you find a similar ticket, you can add a comment to it or vote for it to bring more attention of the development team.
If you need to attach the PhpStorm log file, locate it using the relevant Help menu item:
Help | Show Log in Explorer (for Windows and Linux)
Help | Show Log in Finder (for macOS)
Share feedback
You can use the feedback form to tell us what you like or don't like about JetBrains products.
From the main menu, select Help | Submit Feedback.
Learn more
There are several ways to learn more about PhpStorm:
- PhpStorm Workshop
The PhpStorm workshop materials will guide you through many of the PhpStorm features and productivity tools.
PhpStorm Workshop exercises come as a PhpStorm project, in which every file is a new exercise that may contain code and tips to get things done. There are exercises on navigation, editing, inspections, live templates, refactoring, tools like Composer and HTTP client, and other areas.
See PhpStorm Workshop Materials for details.
- Tips of the day
Show up every time you start PhpStorm and provide useful hints. To suppress them, you can clear the Show Tips on Startup checkbox.
To open the Tip of the Day dialog, select Help | Tip of the Day from the main menu.
- Productivity guide
Displays a list of useful features with statistics and tips.
To open it, select Help | Productivity Guide from the main menu.
To discover new features, sort the list by group and note rarely used features in the same group as the ones you use more frequently. Click the feature to see its usage description.
- Keymap reference
Lists some of the most useful keyboard shortcuts in PDF format, which you can print out and keep on your desk for reference.
To open it, select Help | Keyboard Shortcuts PDF from the main menu.
For more information, see PhpStorm keyboard shortcuts.
- Other resources
PhpStorm twitter (@phpstorm)
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