This dialog is available only when the PHP and Rector Support plugins are enabled. The plugins are activated by default. If the plugins are disabled, enable them on the Installed tab of the Plugins page as described in Install plugins.
Use this dialog to create a configuration to be used for running Rector rules on PHP applications.
Item | Description |
Name | Specify a name for the run configuration to quickly identify it among others when editing or running. |
Allow multiple instances | Allow running multiple instances of this run configuration in parallel. By default, it is disabled, and when you start this configuration while another instance is still running, PhpStorm suggests stopping the running instance and starting another one. This is helpful when a run configuration consumes a lot of resources and there is no good reason to run multiple instances. |
Store as project file | Save the file with the run configuration settings to share it with other team members. The default location is .idea/runConfigurations. However, if you do not want to share the .idea directory, you can save the configuration to any other directory within the project. By default, it is disabled, and PhpStorm stores run configuration settings in .idea/workspace.xml. |
Item | Description |
Directory to process | Specify the folder on which the Rector configuration is run. |
Configuration file | Edit this field if the rector.php file you want to use is not located in the project root. |
Additional arguments | Provide additional options to run the |
Arguments (non-editable) | The default options passed to the |
In this area, you can specify tasks to be performed before starting the selected run/debug configuration. The tasks are performed in the order they appear in the list.
Item | Shortcut | Description |
AltInsert | Click this icon to add one of the following available tasks:
| |
AltDelete | Click this icon to remove the selected task from the list. | |
Enter | Click this icon to edit the selected task. Make the necessary changes in the dialog that opens. | |
Alt0↑ Alt0↓ | Click these icons to move the selected task one line up or down in the list. The tasks are performed in the order that they appear in the list. | |
Show this page | Select this checkbox to show the run/debug configuration settings prior to actually starting the run/debug configuration. | |
Activate tool window | By default this checkbox is selected and the Run or the Debug tool window opens when you start the run/debug configuration. Otherwise, if the checkbox is cleared, the tool window is hidden. However, when the configuration is running, you can open the corresponding tool window for it yourself by pressing Alt04 or Alt05. |
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