Analyze Timeline Profiling Results
The next step after taking a timeline profiling snapshot is analyzing it in Timeline Viewer. Note that you can also analyze timeline profiling snapshots in the viewer integrated in Visual Studio (see details below).
Timeline Viewer Integrated into Visual Studio
If, when installing dotTrace you have chosen the Visual Studion Integration option, your Visual Studio has a built-in Timeline Viewer. This viewer is represented with the Performance Profiler tool window and in terms of functionality it is almost identical to the standalone Timeline Viewer. The list of collected snapshots is synced between the standalone and the integrated viewer.
Pros and cons of using the integrated viewer:
More seamless experience. As analysis is performed in Visual Studio, there is no need to switch between the source code and the profiler.
Navigation from call tree to the source code and vice versa.*
You can navigate from a particular method in Call Tree (in the profiling results) right to its declaration, as well as from the method declaration in the code to its occurrence in Call Tree.
* ReSharper is required for the feature to work.
Analyzing big amounts of profiling data in Visual Studio may be inconvenient due to the lack of space on the screen.
Get Started
If you are new to Timeline Viewer, start with the Timeline Viewer Concepts section.
In addition, we strongly recommend that you read the Find the Cause of a UI Freeze and Optimize App Performance and Memory Traffic tutorials.
The following sections contain details about viewer filters and diagrams and can be used as a reference to the Timeline Viewer UI: