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File Operations

Last modified: 26 May 2024

The File Operations event shows time intervals where file input/output operations took place. This includes reading from and writing to the physical disk and system cache. Therefore, file I/O operations are not equal to disk I/O operations.

File operations are very important for performance analysis as access to the file system might require significant time. For example, if your application frequently reads a particular file, it will be more effective to cache the file data.

Select the File Operations event to evaluate how file operations affect performance, what methods do most of the job, and so on. For example, to determine methods in a thread that perform most of the file I/O operations, select the thread in the Threads diagram and the File Operations event in Events. The methods will be shown on top of the Hotspots in the Call Stack window.

After you select the File Operations event, you can fine-tune the result with the File Operations: File Name and File Operations: Direction sub-filters.