PyCharm 2024.3 Help

Start the debugger session

Starting a debugger session is very similar to running the program in normal mode. The debugger is attached behind the scenes, so you don't have to configure anything specific to start a debugger session. If you are able to run your program from PyCharm, you will also be able to debug it using the same configuration.

Each time you debug a program, the debugger session is based on a run/debug configuration. It allows you to configure parameters and actions for launching the application. For example, you can specify to build the application every time you start a debugger session or use the previously compiled code. You can also use any VM options, custom classpath values, and so on (as long as the selected run/debug configuration supports this).

  • To run the program from an entry point, such as the main() method or a test, click Run Run icon icon in the gutter near it and select Debug.

    A menu appears on clicking the run button in the gutter

    This will create a temporary run/debug configuration for you. After that, you can customize and save this temporary configuration if needed. This is the quickest way to debug your program without configuring the startup parameters.

  • If you already have a run/debug configuration, select it in the Run widget, then click Debug or press Shift+F9.

    Run Menu
  • To launch a debug session for an existing run/debug configuration from the editor, press Alt+Shift+F9 and select it from the menu.

    Debug menu lets you select a configuration to debug or edit configurations

Pause/Resume a debugger session

When the debugger session is running, you can pause/resume it using the buttons on the toolbar of the Debug tool window:

  • To pause a debugger session, click the Pause button.

  • To resume a debugger session, click the Resume button F9.

Restart a debugger session

  • Click the Rerun button in the Debug tool window or press Ctrl+F5.

    the Rerun button

Terminate a debugger session

  • Click the Stop button in the Debug tool window.

    Alternatively, press Ctrl+F2 and select the process to terminate (if there are two or more of them).

Debug multiple tasks

  • To run or debug multiple tasks simultaneously, open the run widget menu in the toolbar and select the corresponding run/debug configurations while holding down the Ctrl key.


For launching multiple tasks using a single run/debug configuration, refer to Run/debug multiple targets.

Productivity tips

Run before-launch tasks

You can configure external tools or custom actions to run before a debugging session. Examples of before-launch actions are running a Gulp, Grunt, or NPM script, compiling your TypeScript code into JavaScript, or running all the currently active File Watchers to compile or compress your code, uploading your sources to a remote server, and many more, depending on the language and frameworks you are using.

Last modified: 27 November 2024