Set up your project in Qodana Cloud

Edit pageLast modified: 12 November 2024

Before running Qodana, you need to create a new organization and project in Qodana Cloud. This setup process will guide you through configuring your project for various CI/CD pipelines and local execution using Qodana CLI or JetBrains IDEs, and will generate a project token required by Qodana linters. Additionally, Qodana requires a connection to your repositories to track active contributors, as specified by our license agreement.

If you plan to run the Qodana Scan GitHub action on a GitHub-hosted repository, you will need to authorize the Qodana Cloud GitHub App during the project setup. If you do not have access to the repository you intend to analyze, request the necessary access and wait for approval before proceeding. In other cases, you will receive instructions and configuration snippets that will help you start Qodana in your project.

The project setup uses information from your JetBrains account, which includes licenses and companies.