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Go to Text

Last modified: 30 September 2021

ReSharper | Navigate | Go to Text…


Ctrl+T 3 times

This navigation command lets you quickly find and navigate to any text in source and textual files of your solution. Besides files of supported languages, you can locate text in any text files in your solution. This command generally works much faster that Visual Studio's native Find in Files command, but as a downside, it does not support regular expressions.

By default, navigation to text is integrated into Search Everywhere Ctrl+T — ReSharper will show textual occurrences matching the query string in the end of the results list, after all matching types, symbols, and files. You can disable this behavior by clearing Integrate Go to Text into Search Everywhere on the Environment | Search & Navigation page of ReSharper options.

Note that this command works in global scope, that is you do not need to bring your focus to the editor to invoke it.

ReSharper can remember the last input that you used to find something with Search Everywhere/Go to Type, Go to Symbol, Go To File, and Go to Text actions. To enable or disable this behavior, use the Remember last search checkbox on the Environment | Search and Navigation page of ReSharper options. When this option is selected, ReSharper will also use your current selection in the editor as the initial search query.

This feature is supported in the following languages and technologies:

The instructions and examples given here address the use of the feature in C#. For details specific to other languages, see corresponding topics in the ReSharper by language section.