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Navigate To Function Exits

Last modified: 08 March 2021

ReSharper | Navigate | Navigate To | Function Exit(s)

Alt+` | Function Exit(s) (ReSharper_NavigateToFunctionExits)

This command provides you an easy way to navigate to exit points of a function. You can find this command if you invoke Navigate To on the name of a function, getter or setter of a property, the name of constructor, return and throw statements.

ReSharper treats return and throw statements as well as the closing bracket for functions with void return type as function exits.

If there is only one exit point, ReSharper navigates directly there. If there are several exit points, each of them is highlighted with blue.

Navigating to function exits

The highlights are also duplicated with blue markers on the marker bar on the right. Checking these markers may be helpful if not all highlighted items are visible in the current frame.

To navigate between the highlighted items, choose ReSharper | Find | Go to Next/Previous Highlight in the menu or press Ctrl+Alt+PageDown/ Ctrl+Alt+PageUp. Alternatively, click the status indicator (that should be displaying Themed icon error stripe find next screen gray) in the right top corner of the editor to jump between the highlights.

When you finish examining the highlights, press Esc to remove them.

Note that by default, ReSharper automatically highlights all context exits when you set the caret at one of them.

ReSharper highlights context exits

If necessary, you can disable this by clearing the Highlight context exits checkbox on the Code Inspection | Settings page of ReSharper options.

This feature is supported in the following languages and technologies:

The instructions and examples given here address the use of the feature in C#. For details specific to other languages, see corresponding topics in the ReSharper by language section.