ReSharper 2022.2 Help

Templates Explorer window

The Templates Explorer window lists all Code templates and provides necessary controls for creating, editing and managing code templates.

The window has three tabs to manage three types of ReSharper templates:

Live Templates

This tab is used to manage live templates. It lets you browse available templates for different languages. On the, left there are Template scopes and user categories; on the right, a list of templates filtered by the selected scope and category is displayed.

Reference templates explorer live templates
There is also a preview area at the bottom, which displays contents of the selected template, and a toolbar with a set of buttons to manage the templates.

Surround Templates

This tab is used to manage surround templates. It lets you browse available templates for different languages. On the, left there are Template scopes and user categories; on the right, a list of templates filtered by the selected scope and category is displayed. The templates on the right are divided into two groups: In quicklist and Not in quicklist depending on whether they are added to the quick access list.

Reference templates explorer surround templates
There is also a preview area at the bottom, which displays contents of the selected template, and a toolbar with a set of buttons to manage the templates.

File Templates

This tab is used to manage file templates. It lets you browse available templates for different languages. On the, left there are Template scopes and user categories; on the right, a list of templates filtered by the selected scope and category is displayed. The templates on the right are divided into two groups: In quicklist and Not in quicklist depending on whether they are added to the quick access list.

Reference templates explorer file templates
There is also a preview area at the bottom, which displays contents of the selected template, and a toolbar with a set of buttons to manage the templates.

Toolbar Controls





Specifies the settings layer to display only templates saved in this layer and to create new templates in this layer. For more information on settings layers, see Manage and share ReSharper settings.

Themed icon filter screen gray

Filter Templates

Allows displaying predefined templates when a user layer is selected. By default, predefined templates are shown only when the Smart option is selected in the Layer selector.

Themed icon settings screen gray

Manage layers

Opens the Settings Layers dialog to manage settings layers.

Themed icon add live template screen gray

New Template

Opens the Template editor to create a new template.

Themed icon new folder screen gray

New Category

Puts a selected template into a new category (a single template can be assigned to multiple categories). For more information, see Organize templates.

Themed icon edit screen gray

Edit Template

Opens the Template editor for editing the selected template.

Themed icon remove screen gray


Deletes a selected template or category.

Themed icon import screen gray


Imports templates from an XML file. For more information, see Import and export templates.

Themed icon export screen gray


Exports templates to an XML file. For more information, see Import and export templates.

Last modified: 30 September 2021