Last modified: 10 November 2021If you are new to ReSharper or something goes wrong during your everyday work, there are several places where you can search for a solution, ask for advice, submit bugs, suggest new features or just talk to people that share the same interests.
To troubleshoot performance problems, check out the Speed up ReSharper (and Visual Studio) tutorial.
To find answers to frequently asked questions or advice on how to avoid certain situations, look through issues in ReSharper Knowledge Base
To keep abreast of the newest features available, read .NET Tools Blog
To share your experience with other people or get in touch with our developers, go to ReSharper Community
To report a bug or to request a new feature, use the Feedback Center dialog or use the Issue Tracker. If you're submitting a bug report, please provide steps to reproduce it and attach the solution or some code sample that you work with.
To share information that is not meant to be public, contact the ReSharper team via e-mail
Here are some most frequently asked questions about ReSharper:
Where can I download an older version of ReSharper? Answer
Does ReSharper work with Visual Studio Express or Community Edition? Answer
What can I do to speed up Visual Studio with ReSharper? Answer
Why is my license key invalid? Answer
Why does ReSharper suggest using vars instead of explicit type usages? Answer
Use Logs
If you experience any problems with ReSharper, you can also log the execution and pinpoint the problem. The logs could also be helpful to provide details on possible problems to the support team.
Logging in Visual Studio
When working with ReSharper in Visual Studio, you can enable logging by starting Visual Studio devenv.exe with the following command line arguments:
- The log will be saved in %TEMP%\JetLogs folder with auto-generated name./ReSharper.LogFile path_to_the_log_file
- The log will be saved in the specified location.
By default the main log includes interactions between Visual Studio and ReSharper as well as error messages from ReSharper core subsystems. If necessary, you can use additional argument to switch between different levels of log messages:
/ReSharper.LogLevel [Normal|Verbose|Trace]
Most of the core logs are embedded into the main log
Some of the core logs are stored as additional lgc*.tmp files in the %TEMP% directory.
The workspace host logs are stored in the %TEMP%JetLogs directory.