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InspectCode Command-Line Tool

Last modified: 25 October 2023

One of ReSharper’s most notable features, code inspection, is available even without opening the IDE. InspectCode, a free cross-platform command line tool requires a minimum of one parameter — your solution file — to apply all of ReSharper’s inspections.

Starting from version 2021.2, InspectCode restores NuGet packages and builds the target solution by default before starting the analysis. This lets the tool always have the correct solution model and find only relevant code issues.

You will see a warning about that in the output, which can be suppressed by explicitly specifying the --build or --no-build option.

In most cases, it is recommended to leave the default behavior or use the --build option because even if your CI chain already includes a build step before running InspectCode, MSBuild will process a recently built solution very fast.

Apart from that, there are scenarios where a build by InspectCode is required for a correct analysis. For example, if there are source generators in your solution, InspectCode will use its own logic to dump the generated files to disk.

However, there are cases (for example, C++ projects) when an unnecessary build can bring unwanted overhead. In such cases, use the --no-build option to make InspectCode skip the build.