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Compare assemblies, NuGet packages, and more

Last modified: 21 March 2024

ReSharper allows you to compare two assemblies, NuGet packages, archives, or folders. Each comparison is presented as a top-level node in the dedicated Assembly Diff tool window; you can expand this node and see differences in the assembly structure right away, and in addition to that, you can double-click types, members, and other elements to see a text-based comparison in the editor.

ReSharper: Assembly comparison node in the Assembly Diff tool window

Elements within the comparison node (types, members, files) are highlighted in different colors with the following meanings:

  • Green — the element is present in the second assembly and absent in the first assembly.

  • Red — the element is present in the first assembly and absent in the second assembly.

  • Violet — the element is present in both assemblies, and it has differences.

When you double-click an element with differences, the comparison opens in the diff window.

To finish comparing assemblies, select the comparison node and press Delete or right-click it and choose Remove Item from List.