EditorConfig properties for JavaScript: Spaces
Formatting preferences listed on this page can be also configured visually, on the Code Editing | JavaScript | Formatting Style | Spaces page of ReSharper options Alt+R, O.
, [resharper_]extra_spaces
: Remove all extra spacesleave_tabs
: Leave extra tabsleave_multiple
: Leave multiple extra spacesleave_all
: Leave all extra spaces and tabs
Before formatting | After formatting, remove_all |
Before formatting | After formatting, leave_tabs |
Before formatting | After formatting, leave_multiple |
Before formatting | After formatting, leave_all |
, [resharper_]space_after_comma
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]space_before_comma
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]space_before_semicolon
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]space_before_semicolon_in_for_statement
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]space_after_semicolon_in_for_statement
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]js_space_between_method_call_name_and_opening_parenthesis
, [resharper_]space_before_method_call_parentheses
, [resharper_]space_between_method_call_name_and_opening_parenthesis
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]js_space_between_method_call_name_and_opening_parenthesis
, [resharper_]space_before_empty_method_call_parentheses
, [resharper_]space_between_method_call_name_and_opening_parenthesis
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]space_between_method_call_parameter_list_parentheses
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]space_between_method_call_empty_parameter_list_parentheses
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]js_space_between_method_declaration_name_and_open_parenthesis
, [resharper_]space_before_method_parentheses
, [resharper_]space_between_method_declaration_name_and_open_parenthesis
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]js_space_between_method_declaration_name_and_open_parenthesis
, [resharper_]space_before_method_parentheses_anonymous
, [resharper_]space_between_method_declaration_name_and_open_parenthesis
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]space_between_method_declaration_empty_parameter_list_parentheses
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]space_between_method_declaration_parameter_list_parentheses
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]space_after_keywords_in_control_flow_statements
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]space_between_parentheses_of_control_flow_statements
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]js_space_before_open_square_brackets
, [resharper_]space_before_array_access_brackets
, [resharper_]space_before_open_square_brackets
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]js_space_between_square_brackets
, [resharper_]space_within_array_access_brackets
, [resharper_]space_between_square_brackets
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]space_before_ternary_quest
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]space_after_ternary_quest
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]space_before_ternary_colon
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]space_after_ternary_colon
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]space_before_property_colon
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]space_after_property_colon
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]space_within_object_literal_braces
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]space_within_empty_object_literal_braces
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]space_within_import_braces
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]js_space_between_square_brackets
, [resharper_]space_within_array_literal_brackets
, [resharper_]space_between_square_brackets
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]js_space_between_empty_square_brackets
, [resharper_]space_within_empty_array_literal_brackets
, [resharper_]space_between_empty_square_brackets
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]space_around_binary_operator
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]space_around_assignment_operator
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]js_space_around_member_access_operator
, [resharper_]space_around_dot
, [resharper_]space_around_member_access_operator
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]space_within_parentheses
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]space_before_colon_in_case
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]space_before_arrow
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]space_after_arrow
true | false
true |
false |
, [resharper_]space_within_template_argument
true | false
true |
false |