JetBrains Rider 2021.3 Help

List of run/debug configuration templates

This page lists run/debug configuration templates available in JetBrains Rider. For detailed instructions on how to use them in your solution, refer to the related how-to pages.


Use it to

Required plugins

.NET Executable

Launch .NET applications and processes. This kind of configuration can be helpful to have a specific setup for an application that you want to run and attach the debugger to, or you can use it as part of a compound run/debug configuration when you need to launch multiple executables at once.

.NET Launch Settings Profile

Run and debug .NET Core/ASP.NET Core applications that have their launch settings configured in a launchSettings.json file.

JetBrains Rider creates a configuration of this type automatically when you create or open a project that has its configuration in launchSettings.json, and initializes most of the configuraion parameters from this file.

.NET Project

Run and debug .NET and .NET Core projects of executable types (for example, console application, Windows Forms application, WPF application).

JetBrains Rider creates a configuration of this type automatically when you create or open a project of executable type, but you can add more configurations that target the same project but have different parameters.

Attach to Node.js/Chrome

Attach to and debug already running Node.js applications.





Run several run/debug configurations in parallel. This is useful, for example, if you want to launch various automated tests or client-server apps. The controls for each configuration will be available in a separate tab in the Run or Debug tool window.


Created automatically when you run a container from a Dockerfile. This configuration builds an image from the Dockerfile, and then derives a container from this image.


Docker Image

Created automatically when you run a container from an existing image. You can run it from a locally existing Docker image that you either pulled or built previously.


Docker Compose

Created automatically when you run a multi-container Docker application from a Docker Compose file.



Run and debug Grunt.js tasks.


Run and debug Gulp.js tasks.

HTTP Request

Execute HTTP Requests directly in the JetBrains Rider either individually or as part of a compound run/debug configuration.

HTTP Client

JavaScript Debug

Debug JavaScript in applications running on the built-in or on an external web server and to debug Dart web applications.

JavaScript Debugger


Run and debug Jest tests.


Run and debug JavaScript unit tests using the Karma test runner



Run and debug JavaScript unit tests using the Mocha test runner


Mono Remote

Debug Mono applications on remote machines.

Native Executable

Run any executable file. In contrast to the .NET Executable configuration, this configuration will run any executable, and if it happens to be non-.NET code, debugging will not be available.


Debug Node.js applications.



Run and debug unit tests for Node.js applications



Run and debug npm and Yarn scripts locally, that is when JetBrains Rider itself starts Node.js installed on your computer and initiates script execution.


Run and debug AngularJS unit tests using the Protractor test runner.

Publish to custom server

Publish classic ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core apps to a custom server.

Publish to Folder

Publish classic ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core apps to a folder (Windows-only).

Publish to IIS

Deploy an ASP.NET Core web application to local and remote IIS, Kudu (Azure Web Apps), as well as create an MSDeploy package. Under the hood, it makes use of MSBuild and MSDeploy to package and publish our application.

React Native

Run and debug React Native applications.


Trace Web applications using the Spy-js tool.


Spy-js for Node.js

Trace Node.js applications using the Spy-js tool.


Unit Tests

Run/debug configurations of this type are created and removed automatically when you create and close unit test sessions

Unity Executable






Run XSLT scripts.

XPathView + XSLT

Last modified: 07 April 2022