JetBrains Rider 2023.1 Help

Problems tool window

The Problems tool window displays problems that JetBrains Rider detects in your solution using several tabs:

When the design-time code inspection is enabled, this tab lists all code issues found in the current file. The list is updated as you switch between files in the editor.

JetBrains Rider: Problems tool window. Current File tab

You can select any problem in the window and press F4 or double-click any problem to jump to the corresponding line in the editor.



Tooltip and shortcut


View Options

View Options

Filter out code issues by their severity and configure their sorting. When no grouping or sorting options are selected, the issues are listed in the order they appear in the file.

the Open Editor Preview button

Open Editor Preview

Open the preview pane to view the selected issue in its source context right in the Problems window. Note that this preview is a normal editor where you can change the code and apply available quick-fixes.

Expand All

Expand All Ctrl+NumPad +

Expand all nodes.

Collapse All

Collapse All Ctrl+NumPad -

Collapse all nodes.

the Show Quick Fixes button

Show Quick-Fixes Alt+Enter

Show quick-fixes available for the selected problem. Note that this item is only active for Web languages, such as JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Context menu options




Show Quick-Fixes


Show quick-fixes available for the selected problem. Note that this item is only active for Web languages, such as JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Copy Problem Description


Copy the problem description to the clipboard.

Jump to Source


Open the code containing the problem in the editor.

If solution-wide analysis is enabled, JetBrains Rider will monitor all solution files and list the detected errors and warnings.

Click the App rider actions solution analysis icon in the tab to toggle solution-wide analysis. Click the App general inspections eye icon and then select Warnings to monitor warnings.

JetBrains Rider: Problems window. Errors in Solution view

You can select any problem in the window and press F4 or double-click any problem to jump to the corresponding line in the editor.

This tab displays any problems related to solution structure and properties that prevent the solution from loading.

JetBrains Rider: Problems window. Toolset, Environment tab
Last modified: 18 April 2023