Quick-start tips
You can also try the interactive tutorials available in Help | Tutorials.
You can change JetBrains Rider keyboard bindings for any action: press CtrlAlt0S and go to Keymap.
While in the editor, press AltEnter and then start typing the name of a JetBrains Rider command that you want to execute (more...).
As soon as you've typed a method signature, for example
public void Foo(string input
, press CtrlShiftEnter to insert all syntax elements that should follow and get in the position where you can continue typing (more...).Do you want to surround some code with a
? Select a logical code block with AltShift0=, press AltEnter and then choose a template under Surround with....You can select a block of code and use Ctrl+Alt+Shift + Arrow keys to move this block around (more...).
You can view recent clipboard entries with CtrlShift0V and select the one you want to paste .
Enum completion will automatically insert the Enum type as the prefix. No need to spell it out!
, you can add a placeholder where the caret is. Press AltEnter and choose Insert format argument (more...).If a string literal is too long, press Enter and JetBrains Rider will automatically put the part of it to the next line and insert the
sign. Delete the+
and the string parts will be back together (more...).Moving a property up 3 lines using cut/paste? There is a simpler way to do it: place your caret at the property, press Ctrl+Shift+Alt and use the up arrow key.
Check out other typing assistance features.
Using [NotNull] and [CanBeNull] attributes can help you find
even before running your code .Bothered with a highlighted code issue? Press AltEnter while you at the highlighted code and select Inspection [name of inspection], then you can choose to suppress the issue with comment or attribute or disable the corresponding code inspection.
You can suppress all inspections with a single comment — mark code with
// ReSharper disable All
and JetBrains Rider will not complain about anything until it meets the corresponding// ReSharper restore All
.JetBrains Rider's solution-wide analysis resolves visibility issues: you'll see if an internal member is used outside of its assembly and you'll never miss a single unused non-private member.
You can exclude files by masks from code analysis on the Editor | Inspection Settings page of JetBrains Rider settings CtrlAlt0S.
You can go to the next/previous code issue in the file by pressing AltPg Dn/AltPg Up.
You can press Ctrl0T to quickly locate a type, method, or basically everything, while CtrlShift0T lets you locate files without other suggestions.
Place your caret at a
if you work with VB.NET) directive and press ShiftF12. JetBrains Rider will show where exactly this namespace is used (Find Usages of Symbols).Forgot where you were editing just now? Go to last edit location with CtrlShiftBackspace.
Want to locate where the current symbol is declared real fast? Press F12 or just right-click the symbol.
When locating
using Ctrl0T or any other navigation command, you don't need to type the whole thing. Just use CamelHumps and typecst
.AltHome takes you to the base type and AltEnd takes you to inheritors of the current type.
Do you want to move to the next member in a class? will take you there; will bring you back (more...).
Search for anything (usages, implementations and so on) fetches to the Find window. Use it then to navigate between search results with F8/ShiftF8 (more...).
In source code, AltShift0L selects the current file in the Solution Explorer; in decompiled sources, it opens the Assembly Explorer view focused on the current type ( more...).
To explore the stack trace that is currently in your clipboard, just press Ctrl0E,Ctrl0T.
Start typing in any JetBrains Rider tool window and matching items will be highlighted. CamelHumps matching works there as well.
Do you have multiple classes in the same file? Fix it fast. Press CtrlShift0R on the file in the Solution Explorer and choose Move Types Into Matching Files (more...).
Rename anything, anytime, anywhere with Ctrl0R,0R. You can do it even in fewer steps - just type in a new name and press AltEnter.
You can extract a method from a section of code using Ctrl0R,0M.
Want to move a string literal to a resource file? Press CtrlShift0R anywhere on the string and select Move To Resource (more...).
Type in new method signature (change the number or type of parameters, change the return type) and while the signature is highlighted with a grey frame, press AltEnter to apply the Change Signature refactoring.
Placing the caret at a property, you can press AltEnter to change it from auto-property to a property with a backing field and vice-versa (more...).
Press Ctrl0R,0V to change the signature of a method and see a preview before applying it. JetBrains Rider will do the rest!
Think your code needs a good wash? Use Ctrl0E,0C and run the Full Cleanup profile (more...).
Generate various class members in seconds using the Generate command AltInsert.
AltInsert in the Solution Explorer can create files from your file templates.. and folders too.
and press TAB. Want it public or internal by default? Change the corresponding live template (more...).Create event subscriptions in XAML/ASP.NET WebForms/VB.NET using AltInsert and choosing Generate event subscriptions.
If you place your caret at a parameter in the constructor and press AltEnter, JetBrains Rider can create a field or property and initialize it for you.
and press TAB. JetBrains Rider will start a live template for smart loop generation with type and name suggestions.
Use Ctrl0U,0L to run all unit tests in the solution (more...).
Want to run some particular tests? Select them in editor, right-click and choose Run Unit Tests
Ctrl0U,0R (more...).
Start typing in the Unit Tests window to filter your tests by name.
Filter to failed tests while running them in the Unit Tests window to see them pleasantly disappearing as they pass (more...).
In ASP.NET MVC applications, type
return View("
and press CtrlSpace. IntelliSense will list all available views.Type
and press TAB. Fill in controller, then action arguments. Now it should be in correct order with IntelliSense!Want to check for missing Views in ASP.NET MVC? Turn on solution-wide analysis.
will show as red if the Login.aspx is not there.You can use the Go to File Member command in ASPX/Config files too. Press Alt0\ and look it up!
JetBrains Rider support team is always there to help you. Use the Rider support website to explore the knowledge base, or submit your support inquiry.
If you want a new feature to be implemented in JetBrains Rider, feel free to post a feature request in . Rider issue tracker.