JetBrains Rider 2024.3 Help

Docker compose run configuration

Use this type of configuration to run multi-container Docker applications.

Docker uses the docker compose command to define, configure, and run multi-container applications. The main command that builds, creates, starts, and attaches to containers is docker compose up.

By default, the Docker Compose configuration has the following options:




Specify a name for the run configuration to quickly identify it among others when editing or running.

Store as project file

Save the file with the run configuration settings to share it with other team members. The default location is .idea/runConfigurations. However, if you do not want to share the .idea directory, you can save the configuration to any other directory within the project.

By default, it is disabled, and JetBrains Rider stores run configuration settings in .idea/workspace.xml.


Select the Docker daemon connection to use for the run configuration.

Compose files

Specify the compose files that define the necessary services. Docker Compose builds the configuration in the specified order, so any subsequent files override and add to the fields of the same service in previous files.

This is similar to using the -f option with the docker compose command.


Specify the services to build, create, and start.

Click The Browse icon to select services that are listed in the YML file.

docker-compose browse icon

Before launch

Specify a list of tasks to perform before starting the run configuration. For example, run another configuration, build the necessary artifacts, run some external tool or a web browser, and so on.

Click the Add button or press Alt+Insert to add one of the available tasks.

Move tasks in the list using the Up button and the Down button to change the order in which to perform the tasks. Select a task and click the Edit button to edit the task. Click the Remove button to remove the selected task from the list.

Show this page

Show the run configuration settings before actually starting it.

Activate tool window

Depending on the type of configuration, open the Run, Debug, or Services tool window when you start this run configuration. If this option is disabled, you can open the tool window manually:

  • View | Tool Windows | Run or Alt+4

  • View | Tool Windows | Debug or Alt+5

  • View | Tool Windows | Services or Alt+8

Use the Modify options menu to add advanced options to the run configuration:



Project name

Specify an alternate project name for Docker Compose. By default, it is the name of the current directory.

This is similar to using the -p option with the docker compose command.

Environment variables

Specify the Docker Compose environment variables. These are used only by the Docker Compose process. They are not passed on to any of the containers.

Environment variables file

Specify the path to a custom environment file that defines the Docker Compose environment variables.

This is similar to using the --env-file option with the docker compose command.

By default, the Docker Compose run configuration looks for a file named .env in the directory with the Docker Compose file.

Don't use Docker Fast mode

Use this option do disable Docker Fast mode if you want to test your application in exactly the same way as it will run after the deployment in a Docker container .

Share generated SSL certificate

Use this option if you run or debug ASP.NET Docker containers in Fast mode and need to share generated development HTTPS certificates between the IDE and the container.

When you start a container with this option JetBrains Rider will do the following:

  • export the development certificate with a password, which will be saved in the dotnet user secrets store;

  • mount two volumes to the container: %APPDATA%\Microsoft\UserSecrets and %APPDATA%\ASP.NET\Https (Windows) or ${HOME}/.microsoft/usersecrets and ${HOME}/.aspnet/https (macOS);

  • add ASPNETCORE_URLS=https://+:443;http://+:80 and ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development environment variables if not already specified in the configuration.

Remove volumes on `down`

When stopping and removing containers, also delete named volumes declared in the Docker Compose file and anonymous volumes attached to containers.

This is similar to using the -v or --volumes option with the docker compose down command.

Enable compatibility mode

Convert v3 service definitions into v2 compatible parameters.

This is similar to using the --compatibility option with the docker compose command.

Remove images on `down`

Configure which images should be removed when stopping and removing containers. You can choose to remove all images used by any service or only images that don't have a custom tag set in the image field.

This is similar to using the --rmi option with the docker compose down command.


Set a timeout in seconds to forcefully terminate containers that won't shutdown gracefully.

Docker usually tries to gracefully terminate any container with SIGTERM, but it might end up running indefinitely. Set a timeout after which Docker should send SIGKILL to force the shutdown.

This is similar to using the -t or --timeout option with the docker compose up command.

Exit code

Return the exit code of the selected service container.

Whenever a container in the selected service stops, return its exit code and stop all other containers in the service.

This is similar to using the --exit-code-from option with the docker compose up command.

Override scale

Set the number of containers to start for each service.

This option overrides the scale parameter in the Docker Compose file, if it's present.

This is similar to using the --scale option with the docker compose up command.

Recreate dependencies

Recreate dependent containers when starting a service.

This is similar to using the --always-recreate-deps option with the docker compose up command.

Recreate anonymous volumes

Recreate anonymous volumes instead of retrieving data from the previous containers.

This is similar to using the -V or --renew-anon-volumes option with the docker compose up command.

Remove orphans

Remove containers for services not defined in the Docker Compose file.

This is similar to using the --remove-orphans option with the docker compose up command.


Configure which services to start:

  • Selected and dependencies: By default, Docker Compose starts all of the specified services and linked services.

  • None: Don't start any services after creating them. This is similar to using the --no-start option with the docker compose up command.

  • Selected services: Don't start any of the linked services. This is similar to using the --no-deps option with the docker compose up command.

Attach to

Configure for which containers to show output streams:

  • Selected services: By default, Docker Compose attaches to all started containers of the specified services.

  • None: Don't attach to any containers. This is similar to using the -d or --detach option with the docker compose up command.

  • Selected and dependencies: Attach to containers of the specified services and linked services. This is similar to using the --attach-dependencies option with the docker compose up command.

Recreate containers

Configure which containers to stop and replace by new ones:

  • Changed configuration: By default, Docker Compose recreates containers only if the corresponding configuration or image has changed.

  • All: Recreate all containers in the services, even if the corresponding configuration or image hasn't changed. This is similar to using the --force-recreate option with the docker compose up command.

  • None: Don't recreate any containers in the services, even if the corresponding configuration has changed. This is similar to using the --no-recreate option with the docker compose up command.


Configure which images to build before starting containers:

  • Only missing images: By default, Docker Compose only builds images that are not available and uses previously built ones when possible.

  • Never: Don't build any images. Always use previously built images or throw an error if some image is not available. This is similar to using the --no-build option with the docker compose up command.

  • Always: Always build images before starting containers. This is similar to using the --build option with the docker compose up command.

Stop Containers

Configure how to stop containers in a service. By default, Docker Compose doesn't stop other containers in a service. You have to stop them manually.

However, you can choose to stop all containers if any container in a service stops. This is similar to using the --abort-on-container-exit option with the docker compose up command.

Last modified: 08 October 2024