Within RingUI, a mix of title- and sentence-style capitalization is used. Make sure to apply the correct capitalization according to the rules defined below.
Title-Style Capitalization
Title-style capitalization gives weight to text and therefore emphasizes it. It is only used for text that is supposed to give structure to the application, like titles.
Usage of Title-Style Capitalization in Components
In general, all components use sentence-style capitalization. However, there are a few exceptions, which are listed here:
Navigation links in the header bar.
Headings in dialogs or in the main window.
Titles in messages.
Separator-titles in drop-down lists.
Titles in tab bars.
Data table headers.
Sidebar links.
Further Guidelines on Title-Style Capitalization
Capitalize all product names (e.g., PyCharm, TeamCity, YouTrack Mobile) and proper nouns (e.g., names, cities, months). (Grammarly, Capitalization)
If some feature or product name is not legally branded, e.g. 'knowledge base' or 'issue board', use sentence-style capitalization.
When setting an element in title-style capitalization, make the text as short as possible. Text in title case should never break a line.
For the correct title-style capitalization, use the website Capitalize My Title and the 'Chicago Manual of Style' (can be set within the website).
Sentence-Style Capitalization
As mentioned, sentence-style capitalization is used in all components and UI strings except the listed exceptions in the previous section.