RingUI 7.0 Help

Data Table


When to Use

Use a data table to display a full set of data. Usually, items in data tables are not clickable and are used only to provide information similarly to spreadsheet tables. In many cases, data tables enable users to flexibly sort or rearrange their data to get a better overview.

When Not to Use

If you want to give users a preview of multiple items, use a rich list instead. In contrast to rows in data tables, a click on each row of a rich list opens a dialog or a new page that contains more information about that item.


Static Table

Static tables are the most basic variant and offer no possibility for users to customize the order of items.

Sortable Columns

Sortable tables allow users to sort the rows according to their preferences. To enable users to do this, the column headings of sortable columns are clickable. Not all columns of the table need to have this sorting functionality.

Rearrangeable Columns

Rearrangeable tables offer a drag-and-drop function for each row. This is displayed by the ‘drag’ icon on the left side of each column.

Selectable Columns

Regardless of whether you are using a static, a sortable, or a rearrangeable table, you can include a checkbox to the left of every row to allow users to apply an action to multiple rows at once.

Tree-View Data Table

Tree-view data tables allow you to organize the content of a data table into sections. To open a section, users can click on any parent item.


You can add a title to your table to clarify what it’s about.


Consider offering a filter function to help people find values in long tables quickly. There are simple filters that filter only by one predefined column and smart filters that filter depending on what’s entered.


You can add a pagination function to long tables.


Left-align textual data and right-align numerical data.

Use the same number of decimal places for each number in one column. Avoid using different units for all numbers of that column.

If your rows contain actions that affect the whole row, include them to the far right of the table. You don’t have to add a column heading for the action column.

Use descriptive column headings to provide context. Each column heading should be a noun or a short noun phrase with title-style capitalization and no period.

If some value is missing, use an em-dash (—) for the respective field. On macOS, type option (⌥) + shift (⇧) + hyphen (-) to create an em-dash. On Windows, press the Windows key (win) + dot (.) to access the emoji keyboard and find the em-dash within the symbols section (Ω).


Table layout
Last modified: 20 September 2022