RubyMine 2021.3 Help

Exploring the HTTP request in Editor syntax

To compose an HTTP request in the RubyMine code editor, use the following general syntax:

Method Request-URI HTTP-Version Header-field: Header-value Request-Body

The HTTP request in Editor format introduces additional capabilities, as demonstrated by the following examples. For details on working with HTTP requests, see HTTP client in RubyMine code editor.

Use comments in HTTP requests

  • Within a request, start any line with // or # to make it a comment line.

    // A basic request GET

Use short form for GET requests

  • For GET requests, you can omit the request method and only specify the URI.

    // A basic request

Compose several requests in a single file

  1. Mark the end of a request by typing the ### separator below it.

    // A basic request ###
  2. Compose another request below the separator.

    // A basic request ### // A second request using the GET method

Break long requests into several lines

  • Indent all query string lines but the first one.

    // Using line breaks with indent GET /api /html /get ?id=123 &value=content

Access a web service with authentication

  • Depending on the web service you are accessing, provide the basic or digestAuthorization header.

    // Basic authentication GET Authorization: Basic username password ### // Digest authentication GET Authorization: Digest username password

Provide the request message body

Inside the request, prepend the request body with a blank line and do one of the following:

  • Type the request body in place:

    // The request body is provided in place POST HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Cookie: key=first-value { "key" : "value", "list": [1, 2, 3] }

    If you set the Content-Type header field value to one of the languages supported by RubyMine, then the corresponding language fragment will be auto-injected into the HTTP request message body. If Content-Type is not specified, you can inject a language fragment manually. For more information, see Language injections.

  • To read the request body from a file, type the < symbol followed by the path to the file.

    // The request body is read from a file POST Content-Type: application/json < ./input.json

Use multipart/form-data content type

  • Set the request's Content-Type to multipart/form-data. To send a file as part of the multipart/form-data message, include the filename parameter in the Content-Disposition header.

    POST HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=boundary --boundary Content-Disposition: form-data; name="first"; filename="input.txt" // The 'input.txt' file will be uploaded < ./input.txt --boundary Content-Disposition: form-data; name="second"; filename="input-second.txt" // A temporary 'input-second.txt' file with the 'Text' content will be created and uploaded Text --boundary Content-Disposition: form-data; name="third"; // The 'input.txt' file contents will be sent as plain text. < ./input.txt --boundary--

Enable or disable following redirects

Depending on the web service you are accessing, you may want HTTP requests to either follow redirects or not. When a redirect is followed, the redirected page response is returned; otherwise, the actual redirect response header (such as 301 or 302) is returned.

  • Before the request, add a comment line with the @no-redirect tag.

    // @no-redirect

Enable or disable saving requests to requests history

If necessary, you can prevent saving a request to the requests history. This can be helpful in case a request contains some sensitive data, and you don't want to log it.

  • Before the request, add a comment line with the @no-log tag.

    // @no-log GET

Enable or disable saving received cookies to the cookies jar

If necessary, you can prevent saving the received cookie to the cookies jar. This way you will avoid removing the unwanted cookies from the http-client.cookies file manually.

  • Before the request, add a comment line with the @no-cookie-jar tag.

    // @no-cookie-jar GET

Use variables

When composing an HTTP request, you can parametrize its elements by using variables. A variable can hold the values for the request's host, port, and path, query parameter or value, header value, or arbitrary values used inside the request body or in an external file.

Provide a variable inside the request

  • Enclose the variable in double curly braces as {{variable}}.

The variable's name may only contain letters, digits, the underscore symbols _, or the hyphen symbols -. The variables' values can be any of the following:

Environment variables

Environment variables let you store a set of environment definitions inside your project. For example, you can create and use the {{host}} variable instead of providing the hostname in your request explicitly. When you execute the request, you can choose between defined environments and thus send it to a specific host:

Run request: select environment

The selected environment will be used as the default one when Viewing a structure of the request, opening the request in the browser, executing the request, and creating a run/debug configuration for it.

Define environment variables

Environment variables are defined in the environment files.

  1. On top of the request's editor panel, click the Add Environment File shortcut link.

  2. Select the desired environment type from the popup menu.

    Select Environment popup

    Depending on your choice, RubyMine will create the following files inside the project:

    • Choosing Regular will create the http-client.env.json file. This file can contain common variables such as host name, port, or query parameters, and is meant to be distributed together with your project.

    • Choosing Private will create the http-client.private.env.json file. This file might include passwords, tokens, certificates, and other sensitive information. It is added to the list of VCS ignored files by default. The values of variables that are specified in the http-client.private.env.json file override the values in the regular environment file.

  3. Populate the created files with the desired variables.

    The following sample http-client.env.json environment file defines two environments: development and production. The additional http-client.private.env.json file holds the sensitive authorization data.

    { "development": { "host": "localhost", "id-value": 12345, "username": "", "password": "", "my-var": "my-dev-value" }, "production": { "host": "", "id-value": 6789, "username": "", "password": "", "my-var": "my-prod-value" } }
    { "development": { "username": "dev-user", "password": "dev-password" }, "production": { "username": "user", "password": "password" } }

    The example HTTP request is as follows:

    GET http://{{host}}/api/json/get?id={{id-value}} Authorization: Basic {{username}} {{password}} Content-Type: application/json { "key": "{{my-var}}" }

    When you execute the above request, RubyMine lets you choose the desired execution environment:


    Depending on your choice, the resulting request will be one of the following:

    GET http://localhost/api/json/get?id=12345 Authorization: Basic dev-user dev-password Content-Type: application/json { "key": "my-dev-value" }
    GET Authorization: Basic user password Content-Type: application/json { "key": "my-prod-value" }

Dynamic variables

Dynamic variables generate a value each time you run a request:

  • $uuid: generates a universally unique identifier (UUID-v4)

  • $timestamp: generates the current UNIX timestamp

  • $randomInt: generates a random integer between 0 and 1000.

For example:

GET http://localhost/api/get?id={{$uuid}}

Handle the response

You can handle the response using JavaScript. Type the > character after the request and specify the path and name of the JavaScript file or put the response handler script code wrapped in {% ... %}.

GET > /path/to/responseHandler.js
GET > {%"my_cookie", response.headers.valuesOf("Set-Cookie")[0]); %}

For more information, see HTTP Response handling API reference.

Redirect the response

You can redirect a response to a file. Use >> to create a new file with a suffix if it already exists and >>! to rewrite the file if it exists. You can specify an absolute path or relative to the current HTTP Request file. You can also use variables in paths, including environment variables and the following predefined variables:

  • {{$projectRoot}} points to the project root: .idea

  • {{$historyFolder}} points to .idea/httpRequests/

The following example HTTP request creates myFile.json in myFolder next to the HTTP Request file and redirects the response to it. If the file already exists, it creates myFile-1.json and so on.

POST Content-Type: application/json { "id": 999, "value": "content" } >> myFolder/myFile.json

The following example HTTP request creates myFile.json in .idea/httpRequests/. If the file already exists, it overwrites the file. It also handles the response with the handler.js script that resides in the project root.

POST Content-Type: application/json { "id": 999, "value": "content" } > {{$projectRoot}}/handler.js >>! {{$historyFolder}}/myFile.json
Last modified: 20 December 2021