Database diagrams
Enable the Database Tools and SQL plugin
This functionality relies on the Database Tools and SQL plugin, which is bundled and enabled in RubyMine by default. If the relevant features are not available, make sure that you did not disable the plugin.
Press Ctrl+Alt+S to open settings and then select
.Open the Installed tab, find the Database Tools and SQL plugin, and select the checkbox next to the plugin name.
Enable the Diagrams plugin
This functionality relies on the Diagrams plugin, which is bundled and enabled in RubyMine by default. If the relevant features are not available, make sure that you did not disable the plugin.
Press Ctrl+Alt+S to open settings and then select
.Open the Installed tab, find the Diagrams plugin, and select the checkbox next to the plugin name.
Database diagrams graphically show the structure of the database and relations between database objects. You can generate a diagram for a data source, a schema, or a table. To create relations between database objects, consider using primary and foreign keys.
You can save the generated diagrams in two formats: UML and PNG. The UML format is an internal format developed specifically for RubyMine. It is not supported by other products. If you want to share the created diagram, consider using PNG.
Also, you can build execution plans. An execution plan is a set of steps that were used to access data in a database. For more information about creating an execution plan, refer to Visualize a query plan.
Generate a diagram for a database object
In the Database tool window ( ) , right-click a database object and select .
View and manage diagrams
Pan and zoom
To pan and zoom the diagram, use your touchpad, scroll bars or the mouse wheel for vertical scrolling and Shift + mouse wheel for horizontal scrolling. You can also use Shift + mouse wheel for zooming.
To use the magnifier tool, keep the Alt key pressed and hover over the desired areas of the diagram. Use the mouse wheel to extra zoom the diagram area within the magnifier tool.
Enable column comments
Generate a diagram. For more information about generating a diagram, refer to Generate a diagram for a database object.
Click the Comments button ().
Apply colors to diagram objects
In the Database tool window ( ) , right-click an object and select .
Select a color and click OK. Refresh the diagram to apply the color by clicking the Refresh button ().
Export diagrams
In RubyMine, you can export a diagram in various formats to a file, to clipboard, and open it in a web editor. You can also print a diagram and save it as an image. To do that, use the corresponding actions in the context menu of your diagram. For more information about the database diagram context menu, refer to Context menu.
Open diagrams in web editors
To export your diagram to a third-party editor in web browser, right-click the diagram, navigate to
, and select the editor.Alternatively, click the Export Diagram button () on the diagram toolbar, and select the editor in the corresponding submenu.
The supported editors are as follows:
Copy diagrams to clipboard
To copy your diagram to clipboard, right-click the diagram, navigate to
, and select the format.Alternatively, click the Export Diagram button () on the diagram toolbar, and select the format in the corresponding submenu.
The supported formats are as follows:
classDiagram direction BT class actor { varchar(45) first_name varchar(45) last_name timestamp last_update smallint unsigned actor_id } class node19 { smallint unsigned actor_id varchar(45) first_name varchar(45) last_name timestamp last_update blob column_nameimg } class actor_info { smallint unsigned actor_id varchar(45) first_name varchar(45) last_name text film_info } class address { varchar(50) address varchar(50) address2 varchar(20) district smallint unsigned city_id varchar(10) postal_code varchar(20) phone timestamp last_update smallint unsigned address_id } class category { varchar(25) name timestamp last_update tinyint unsigned category_id } class city { varchar(50) city smallint unsigned country_id timestamp last_update smallint unsigned city_id } class country { varchar(50) country timestamp last_update smallint unsigned country_id } class customer { tinyint unsigned store_id varchar(45) first_name varchar(45) last_name varchar(50) email smallint unsigned address_id tinyint(1) active datetime create_date timestamp last_update smallint unsigned customer_id } class customer_list { smallint unsigned ID varchar(91) name varchar(50) address varchar(10) zip code varchar(20) phone varchar(50) city varchar(50) country varchar(6) notes tinyint unsigned SID } class film { varchar(255) title text description year release_year tinyint unsigned language_id tinyint unsigned original_language_id tinyint unsigned rental_duration decimal(4,2) rental_rate smallint unsigned length decimal(5,2) replacement_cost enum('g', 'pg', 'pg-13', 'r', 'nc-17') rating set('trailers', 'commentaries', 'deleted scenes', 'behind the scenes') special_features timestamp last_update smallint unsigned film_id } class film_actor { timestamp last_update smallint unsigned actor_id smallint unsigned film_id } class film_category { timestamp last_update smallint unsigned film_id tinyint unsigned category_id } class film_text { varchar(255) title text description smallint film_id } class inventory { smallint unsigned film_id tinyint unsigned store_id timestamp last_update mediumint unsigned inventory_id } class language { char(20) name timestamp last_update tinyint unsigned language_id } class payment { smallint unsigned customer_id tinyint unsigned staff_id int rental_id decimal(5,2) amount datetime payment_date timestamp last_update smallint unsigned payment_id } class pet { varchar(150) pet varchar(150) name varchar(150) owner } class rental { datetime rental_date mediumint unsigned inventory_id smallint unsigned customer_id datetime return_date tinyint unsigned staff_id timestamp last_update int rental_id } class sales_by_film_category { varchar(25) category decimal(27,2) total_sales } class sales_by_store { varchar(101) store varchar(91) manager decimal(27,2) total_sales } class staff { varchar(45) first_name varchar(45) last_name smallint unsigned address_id blob picture varchar(50) email tinyint unsigned store_id tinyint(1) active varchar(16) username varchar(40) password timestamp last_update tinyint unsigned staff_id } class staff_list { tinyint unsigned ID varchar(91) name varchar(50) address varchar(10) zip code varchar(20) phone varchar(50) city varchar(50) country tinyint unsigned SID } class store { tinyint unsigned manager_staff_id smallint unsigned address_id timestamp last_update tinyint unsigned store_id } address --> city : city_id city --> country : country_id customer --> address : address_id customer --> store : store_id film --> language : original_language_id:language_id film --> language : language_id film_actor --> actor : actor_id film_actor --> film : film_id film_category --> category : category_id film_category --> film : film_id inventory --> film : film_id inventory --> store : store_id payment --> customer : customer_id payment --> rental : rental_id payment --> staff : staff_id rental --> customer : customer_id rental --> inventory : inventory_id rental --> staff : staff_id staff --> address : address_id staff --> store : store_id store --> address : address_id store --> staff : manager_staff_id:staff_idPlantUML
@startuml !theme plain top to bottom direction skinparam linetype ortho class actor { first_name: varchar(45) last_name: varchar(45) last_update: timestamp actor_id: smallint unsigned } class node16 as "actor_1 /* backup table */" { actor_id: smallint unsigned first_name: varchar(45) last_name: varchar(45) last_update: timestamp column_nameimg: blob } class actor_info { actor_id: smallint unsigned first_name: varchar(45) last_name: varchar(45) film_info: text } class address { address: varchar(50) address2: varchar(50) district: varchar(20) city_id: smallint unsigned postal_code: varchar(10) phone: varchar(20) last_update: timestamp address_id: smallint unsigned } class category { name: varchar(25) last_update: timestamp category_id: tinyint unsigned } class city { city: varchar(50) country_id: smallint unsigned last_update: timestamp city_id: smallint unsigned } class country { country: varchar(50) last_update: timestamp country_id: smallint unsigned } class customer { store_id: tinyint unsigned first_name: varchar(45) last_name: varchar(45) email: varchar(50) address_id: smallint unsigned active: tinyint(1) create_date: datetime last_update: timestamp customer_id: smallint unsigned } class customer_list { ID: smallint unsigned name: varchar(91) address: varchar(50) zip code: varchar(10) phone: varchar(20) city: varchar(50) country: varchar(50) notes: varchar(6) SID: tinyint unsigned } class film { title: varchar(255) description: text release_year: year language_id: tinyint unsigned original_language_id: tinyint unsigned rental_duration: tinyint unsigned rental_rate: decimal(4,2) length: smallint unsigned replacement_cost: decimal(5,2) rating: enum('g', 'pg', 'pg-13', 'r', 'nc-17') special_features: set('trailers', 'commentaries', 'deleted scenes', 'behind the scenes') last_update: timestamp film_id: smallint unsigned } class film_actor { last_update: timestamp actor_id: smallint unsigned film_id: smallint unsigned } class film_category { last_update: timestamp film_id: smallint unsigned category_id: tinyint unsigned } class film_text { title: varchar(255) description: text film_id: smallint } class inventory { film_id: smallint unsigned store_id: tinyint unsigned last_update: timestamp inventory_id: mediumint unsigned } class language { name: char(20) last_update: timestamp language_id: tinyint unsigned } class payment { customer_id: smallint unsigned staff_id: tinyint unsigned rental_id: int amount: decimal(5,2) payment_date: datetime last_update: timestamp payment_id: smallint unsigned } class pet { pet: varchar(150) name: varchar(150) owner: varchar(150) } class rental { rental_date: datetime inventory_id: mediumint unsigned customer_id: smallint unsigned return_date: datetime staff_id: tinyint unsigned last_update: timestamp rental_id: int } class sales_by_film_category { category: varchar(25) total_sales: decimal(27,2) } class sales_by_store { store: varchar(101) manager: varchar(91) total_sales: decimal(27,2) } class staff { first_name: varchar(45) last_name: varchar(45) address_id: smallint unsigned picture: blob email: varchar(50) store_id: tinyint unsigned active: tinyint(1) username: varchar(16) password: varchar(40) last_update: timestamp staff_id: tinyint unsigned } class staff_list { ID: tinyint unsigned name: varchar(91) address: varchar(50) zip code: varchar(10) phone: varchar(20) city: varchar(50) country: varchar(50) SID: tinyint unsigned } class store { manager_staff_id: tinyint unsigned address_id: smallint unsigned last_update: timestamp store_id: tinyint unsigned } address -[#595959,plain]-^ city : "city_id" city -[#595959,plain]-^ country : "country_id" customer -[#595959,plain]-^ address : "address_id" customer -[#595959,plain]-^ store : "store_id" film -[#595959,plain]-^ language : "language_id" film -[#595959,plain]-^ language : "original_language_id:language_id" film_actor -[#595959,plain]-^ actor : "actor_id" film_actor -[#595959,plain]-^ film : "film_id" film_category -[#595959,plain]-^ category : "category_id" film_category -[#595959,plain]-^ film : "film_id" inventory -[#595959,plain]-^ film : "film_id" inventory -[#595959,plain]-^ store : "store_id" payment -[#595959,plain]-^ customer : "customer_id" payment -[#595959,plain]-^ rental : "rental_id" payment -[#595959,plain]-^ staff : "staff_id" rental -[#595959,plain]-^ customer : "customer_id" rental -[#595959,plain]-^ inventory : "inventory_id" rental -[#595959,plain]-^ staff : "staff_id" staff -[#595959,plain]-^ address : "address_id" staff -[#595959,plain]-^ store : "store_id" store -[#595959,plain]-^ address : "address_id" store -[#595959,plain]-^ staff : "manager_staff_id:staff_id" @endumlGraphviz DOT
digraph "sakila" { splines = ortho; fontname = "Inconsolata"; node [colorscheme = ylgnbu4]; edge [colorscheme = dark28, dir = both]; actor [shape = record, label = "{ actor | first_name : varchar(45)\l last_name : varchar(45)\l last_update : timestamp\l| actor_id : smallint unsigned\l }"]; "actor_1 /* backup table */" [shape = record, label = "{ actor_1 /* backup table */ | actor_id : smallint unsigned\l first_name : varchar(45)\l last_name : varchar(45)\l last_update : timestamp\l column_nameimg : blob\l }"]; actor_info [shape = record, label = "{ actor_info | actor_id : smallint unsigned\l first_name : varchar(45)\l last_name : varchar(45)\l film_info : text\l }"]; address [shape = record, label = "{ address | address : varchar(50)\l address2 : varchar(50)\l district : varchar(20)\l city_id : smallint unsigned\l postal_code : varchar(10)\l phone : varchar(20)\l last_update : timestamp\l| address_id : smallint unsigned\l }"]; category [shape = record, label = "{ category | name : varchar(25)\l last_update : timestamp\l| category_id : tinyint unsigned\l }"]; city [shape = record, label = "{ city | city : varchar(50)\l country_id : smallint unsigned\l last_update : timestamp\l| city_id : smallint unsigned\l }"]; country [shape = record, label = "{ country | country : varchar(50)\l last_update : timestamp\l| country_id : smallint unsigned\l }"]; customer [shape = record, label = "{ customer | store_id : tinyint unsigned\l first_name : varchar(45)\l last_name : varchar(45)\l email : varchar(50)\l address_id : smallint unsigned\l active : tinyint(1)\l create_date : datetime\l last_update : timestamp\l| customer_id : smallint unsigned\l }"]; customer_list [shape = record, label = "{ customer_list | ID : smallint unsigned\l name : varchar(91)\l address : varchar(50)\l zip code : varchar(10)\l phone : varchar(20)\l city : varchar(50)\l country : varchar(50)\l notes : varchar(6)\l SID : tinyint unsigned\l }"]; film [shape = record, label = "{ film | title : varchar(255)\l description : text\l release_year : year\l language_id : tinyint unsigned\l original_language_id : tinyint unsigned\l rental_duration : tinyint unsigned\l rental_rate : decimal(4,2)\l length : smallint unsigned\l replacement_cost : decimal(5,2)\l rating : enum('g', 'pg', 'pg-13', 'r', 'nc-17')\l special_features : set('trailers', 'commentaries', 'deleted scenes', 'behind the scenes')\l last_update : timestamp\l| film_id : smallint unsigned\l }"]; film_actor [shape = record, label = "{ film_actor | last_update : timestamp\l| actor_id : smallint unsigned\l film_id : smallint unsigned\l }"]; film_category [shape = record, label = "{ film_category | last_update : timestamp\l| film_id : smallint unsigned\l category_id : tinyint unsigned\l }"]; film_text [shape = record, label = "{ film_text | title : varchar(255)\l description : text\l| film_id : smallint\l }"]; inventory [shape = record, label = "{ inventory | film_id : smallint unsigned\l store_id : tinyint unsigned\l last_update : timestamp\l| inventory_id : mediumint unsigned\l }"]; language [shape = record, label = "{ language | name : char(20)\l last_update : timestamp\l| language_id : tinyint unsigned\l }"]; payment [shape = record, label = "{ payment | customer_id : smallint unsigned\l staff_id : tinyint unsigned\l rental_id : int\l amount : decimal(5,2)\l payment_date : datetime\l last_update : timestamp\l| payment_id : smallint unsigned\l }"]; pet [shape = record, label = "{ pet | pet : varchar(150)\l name : varchar(150)\l owner : varchar(150)\l }"]; rental [shape = record, label = "{ rental | rental_date : datetime\l inventory_id : mediumint unsigned\l customer_id : smallint unsigned\l return_date : datetime\l staff_id : tinyint unsigned\l last_update : timestamp\l| rental_id : int\l }"]; sales_by_film_category [shape = record, label = "{ sales_by_film_category | category : varchar(25)\l total_sales : decimal(27,2)\l }"]; sales_by_store [shape = record, label = "{ sales_by_store | store : varchar(101)\l manager : varchar(91)\l total_sales : decimal(27,2)\l }"]; staff [shape = record, label = "{ staff | first_name : varchar(45)\l last_name : varchar(45)\l address_id : smallint unsigned\l picture : blob\l email : varchar(50)\l store_id : tinyint unsigned\l active : tinyint(1)\l username : varchar(16)\l password : varchar(40)\l last_update : timestamp\l| staff_id : tinyint unsigned\l }"]; staff_list [shape = record, label = "{ staff_list | ID : tinyint unsigned\l name : varchar(91)\l address : varchar(50)\l zip code : varchar(10)\l phone : varchar(20)\l city : varchar(50)\l country : varchar(50)\l SID : tinyint unsigned\l }"]; store [shape = record, label = "{ store | manager_staff_id : tinyint unsigned\l address_id : smallint unsigned\l last_update : timestamp\l| store_id : tinyint unsigned\l }"]; address -> city [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "city_id", headlabel = ""]; city -> country [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "country_id", headlabel = ""]; customer -> address [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "address_id", headlabel = ""]; customer -> store [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "store_id", headlabel = ""]; film -> language [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "language_id", headlabel = ""]; film -> language [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "original_language_id:language_id", headlabel = ""]; film_actor -> actor [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "actor_id", headlabel = ""]; film_actor -> film [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "film_id", headlabel = ""]; film_category -> category [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "category_id", headlabel = ""]; film_category -> film [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "film_id", headlabel = ""]; inventory -> film [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "film_id", headlabel = ""]; inventory -> store [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "store_id", headlabel = ""]; payment -> customer [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "customer_id", headlabel = ""]; payment -> rental [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "rental_id", headlabel = ""]; payment -> staff [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "staff_id", headlabel = ""]; rental -> customer [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "customer_id", headlabel = ""]; rental -> inventory [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "inventory_id", headlabel = ""]; rental -> staff [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "staff_id", headlabel = ""]; staff -> address [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "address_id", headlabel = ""]; staff -> store [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "store_id", headlabel = ""]; store -> address [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "address_id", headlabel = ""]; store -> staff [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "manager_staff_id:staff_id", headlabel = ""]; }Graphviz DOT with Positions
digraph "sakila" { splines = ortho; fontname = "Inconsolata"; node [colorscheme = ylgnbu4]; edge [colorscheme = dark28, dir = both]; actor [shape = record, pos = "4.333,20.917!" , label = "{ actor | first_name : varchar(45)\l last_name : varchar(45)\l last_update : timestamp\l| actor_id : smallint unsigned\l }"]; "actor_1 /* backup table */" [shape = record, pos = "-4.111,4.681!" , label = "{ actor_1 /* backup table */ | actor_id : smallint unsigned\l first_name : varchar(45)\l last_name : varchar(45)\l last_update : timestamp\l column_nameimg : blob\l }"]; actor_info [shape = record, pos = "-0.611,4.681!" , label = "{ actor_info | actor_id : smallint unsigned\l first_name : varchar(45)\l last_name : varchar(45)\l film_info : text\l }"]; address [shape = record, pos = "-2.564,26.375!" , label = "{ address | address : varchar(50)\l address2 : varchar(50)\l district : varchar(20)\l city_id : smallint unsigned\l postal_code : varchar(10)\l phone : varchar(20)\l last_update : timestamp\l| address_id : smallint unsigned\l }"]; category [shape = record, pos = "15.972,20.750!" , label = "{ category | name : varchar(25)\l last_update : timestamp\l| category_id : tinyint unsigned\l }"]; city [shape = record, pos = "-2.550,28.972!" , label = "{ city | city : varchar(50)\l country_id : smallint unsigned\l last_update : timestamp\l| city_id : smallint unsigned\l }"]; country [shape = record, pos = "-2.550,31.236!" , label = "{ country | country : varchar(50)\l last_update : timestamp\l| country_id : smallint unsigned\l }"]; customer [shape = record, pos = "-0.681,16.458!" , label = "{ customer | store_id : tinyint unsigned\l first_name : varchar(45)\l last_name : varchar(45)\l email : varchar(50)\l address_id : smallint unsigned\l active : tinyint(1)\l create_date : datetime\l last_update : timestamp\l| customer_id : smallint unsigned\l }"]; customer_list [shape = record, pos = "19.694,31.236!" , label = "{ customer_list | ID : smallint unsigned\l name : varchar(91)\l address : varchar(50)\l zip code : varchar(10)\l phone : varchar(20)\l city : varchar(50)\l country : varchar(50)\l notes : varchar(6)\l SID : tinyint unsigned\l }"]; film [shape = record, pos = "7.486,22.417!" , label = "{ film | title : varchar(255)\l description : text\l release_year : year\l language_id : tinyint unsigned\l original_language_id : tinyint unsigned\l rental_duration : tinyint unsigned\l rental_rate : decimal(4,2)\l length : smallint unsigned\l replacement_cost : decimal(5,2)\l rating : enum('g', 'pg', 'pg-13', 'r', 'nc-17')\l special_features : set('trailers', 'commentaries', 'deleted scenes', 'behind the scenes')\l last_update : timestamp\l| film_id : smallint unsigned\l }"]; film_actor [shape = record, pos = "9.174,15.458!" , label = "{ film_actor | last_update : timestamp\l| actor_id : smallint unsigned\l film_id : smallint unsigned\l }"]; film_category [shape = record, pos = "14.592,15.458!" , label = "{ film_category | last_update : timestamp\l| film_id : smallint unsigned\l category_id : tinyint unsigned\l }"]; film_text [shape = record, pos = "2.889,4.681!" , label = "{ film_text | title : varchar(255)\l description : text\l| film_id : smallint\l }"]; inventory [shape = record, pos = "2.889,15.625!" , label = "{ inventory | film_id : smallint unsigned\l store_id : tinyint unsigned\l last_update : timestamp\l| inventory_id : mediumint unsigned\l }"]; language [shape = record, pos = "10.731,25.542!" , label = "{ language | name : char(20)\l last_update : timestamp\l| language_id : tinyint unsigned\l }"]; payment [shape = record, pos = "-1.459,8.208!" , label = "{ payment | customer_id : smallint unsigned\l staff_id : tinyint unsigned\l rental_id : int\l amount : decimal(5,2)\l payment_date : datetime\l last_update : timestamp\l| payment_id : smallint unsigned\l }"]; pet [shape = record, pos = "9.028,4.681!" , label = "{ pet | pet : varchar(150)\l name : varchar(150)\l owner : varchar(150)\l }"]; rental [shape = record, pos = "1.321,11.833!" , label = "{ rental | rental_date : datetime\l inventory_id : mediumint unsigned\l customer_id : smallint unsigned\l return_date : datetime\l staff_id : tinyint unsigned\l last_update : timestamp\l| rental_id : int\l }"]; sales_by_film_category [shape = record, pos = "11.917,4.681!" , label = "{ sales_by_film_category | category : varchar(25)\l total_sales : decimal(27,2)\l }"]; sales_by_store [shape = record, pos = "5.583,4.681!" , label = "{ sales_by_store | store : varchar(101)\l manager : varchar(91)\l total_sales : decimal(27,2)\l }"]; staff [shape = record, pos = "-4.111,16.792!" , label = "{ staff | first_name : varchar(45)\l last_name : varchar(45)\l address_id : smallint unsigned\l picture : blob\l email : varchar(50)\l store_id : tinyint unsigned\l active : tinyint(1)\l username : varchar(16)\l password : varchar(40)\l last_update : timestamp\l| staff_id : tinyint unsigned\l }"]; staff_list [shape = record, pos = "22.666,31.236!" , label = "{ staff_list | ID : tinyint unsigned\l name : varchar(91)\l address : varchar(50)\l zip code : varchar(10)\l phone : varchar(20)\l city : varchar(50)\l country : varchar(50)\l SID : tinyint unsigned\l }"]; store [shape = record, pos = "-2.638,20.917!" , label = "{ store | manager_staff_id : tinyint unsigned\l address_id : smallint unsigned\l last_update : timestamp\l| store_id : tinyint unsigned\l }"]; address -> city [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "city_id", headlabel = ""]; city -> country [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "country_id", headlabel = ""]; customer -> address [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "address_id", headlabel = ""]; customer -> store [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "store_id", headlabel = ""]; film -> language [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "language_id", headlabel = ""]; film -> language [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "original_language_id:language_id", headlabel = ""]; film_actor -> actor [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "actor_id", headlabel = ""]; film_actor -> film [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "film_id", headlabel = ""]; film_category -> category [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "category_id", headlabel = ""]; film_category -> film [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "film_id", headlabel = ""]; inventory -> film [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "film_id", headlabel = ""]; inventory -> store [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "store_id", headlabel = ""]; payment -> customer [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "customer_id", headlabel = ""]; payment -> rental [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "rental_id", headlabel = ""]; payment -> staff [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "staff_id", headlabel = ""]; rental -> customer [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "customer_id", headlabel = ""]; rental -> inventory [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "inventory_id", headlabel = ""]; rental -> staff [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "staff_id", headlabel = ""]; staff -> address [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "address_id", headlabel = ""]; staff -> store [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "store_id", headlabel = ""]; store -> address [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "address_id", headlabel = ""]; store -> staff [color = "#595959", style = solid , arrowtail = none , arrowhead = normal , taillabel = "", label = "manager_staff_id:staff_id", headlabel = ""]; }
Export diagrams to files
To export your diagram to a file, right-click the diagram, navigate to
, and select the format.Alternatively, click the Export Diagram button () on the diagram toolbar, and select the format in the corresponding submenu.
The supported formats are as follows:
YEd .graphml
JGraph .drawio
Graphviz .dot
Graphviz .dot with Positions
Mermaid .md
IDEA .uml: The UML format
is an internal format supported only by RubyMine. To open the saved diagram, drag the UML file to the editor.
Export diagrams as images in PNG format
To export your diagram as an image in PNG format, right-click the diagram and select
.Alternatively, click the Export Diagram button () on the diagram toolbar, and select Export to Image.
Possible icon combinations for columns in diagrams:
Icon | Foreign key | Primary key | Indexed | NOT NULL |
Diagram configuration settings
To configure the default visibility settings and layout for diagrams, Open settings by pressing Ctrl+Alt+S and navigate to
. .For more information about database diagrams configuration settings, refer to the Diagrams reference topic.
Toolbar and context menu
For more information about database diagrams toolbar and context menu, refer to the Diagram toolbar and context menu reference topic.