Support and assistance
The most important source of information about RustRover is this online help. To access it from RustRover, do one of the following:
In the main menu, go to Help | Help.
Press F1.
in a dialog or a tool window.
If you can't find the information you need in the online help, you can contact the JetBrains support team.
Browse the RustRover Knowledge Base.
In the main menu, go to Help | Contact Support to create a direct request for the support team.
The support service is only available to users with the commercial license of RustRover. However, if you want to share your feedback or submit a problem, please don't hesitate to use any other option mentioned on this page.
Ask your question in our Slack channel. We will respond as soon as possible.
Email our team at
If you encounter a bug or would like to suggest a new feature, use the RustRover issue tracker.
In the main menu, go to Help | Submit a Bug Report.
Before submitting, it is a good idea to search the issue tracker for similar reports and feature requests to avoid duplicates. If you find a similar ticket, you can add a comment to it or vote for it to bring more attention of the development team.
If you need to attach the RustRover log file, locate it using the relevant Help menu item:
Help | Show Log in Explorer (for Windows and Linux)
Help | Show Log in Finder (for macOS)
You can use the feedback form to tell us what you like or don't like about JetBrains products.
In the main menu, go to Help | Submit Feedback.
Thanks for your feedback!