Vacation and other AbsencesAbsence History and Scheduled AbsencesOptional FeatureAbsence History and Scheduled Absences Last modified: 15 December 2023 You can check your own or another person's absence history and see what absences are scheduled for the future. To see your own absences: On the top left, click your avatar and choose Calendar.On the Calendar page, go to the Absences tab.All your absences: past, current, and scheduled (including sick leaves, business trips, etc.) will be listed here: To see another person's absences: Press Ctrl0K to find the person's profile.On the profile page sidebar, click Calendar.On the Calendar page, go to the Absences tab.All the absences: past, current, and scheduled (including sick leaves, business trips, etc.) will be listed here: Thanks for your feedback!Was this page helpful?YesNo