JetBrains Space Help

Docker Compose Installation to AWS

Quick installation

Start Space On-Premises installation to AWS in one click:

During the installation, you will be asked to specify the stack settings.

If you cannot find a suitable region in the list above, click any link and choose the region you need in the top right corner of the AWS CloudFormation console.

The AWS Docker Compose installation provides the easiest way to get your own Space On-Premises instance, especially for those who don't have access to dedicated infrastructure. This is practically the same Docker Compose installation as on a local machine, but with the following differences:

  • All Space components are deployed to a single AWS EC2 instance. You choose the instance size during the installation.

  • It is not possible to split the Space components into separate instances as with the local Docker Compose installation.

  • AWS RDS is used for the Space database.

  • AWS S3 is used for the Space file storage.

Supported AWS regions

  • US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1

  • US East (Ohio) us-east-2

  • US West (N. California) us-west-1

  • US West (Oregon) us-west-2

  • Africa (Cape Town) af-south-1

  • Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) ap-east-1

  • Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) ap-south-2

  • Asia Pacific (Jakarta) ap-southeast-3

  • Asia Pacific (Melbourne) ap-southeast-4

  • Asia Pacific (Mumbai) ap-south-1

  • Asia Pacific (Osaka) ap-northeast-3

  • Asia Pacific (Seoul) ap-northeast-2

  • Asia Pacific (Singapore) ap-southeast-1

  • Asia Pacific (Sydney) ap-southeast-2

  • Asia Pacific (Tokyo) ap-northeast-1

  • Canada (Central) ca-central-1

  • Europe (Frankfurt) eu-central-1

  • Europe (Ireland) eu-west-1

  • Europe (London) eu-west-2

  • Europe (Milan) eu-south-1

  • Europe (Paris) eu-west-3

  • Europe (Spain) eu-south-2

  • Europe (Stockholm) eu-north-1

  • Europe (Zurich) eu-central-2

  • Middle East (UAE) me-central-1

  • South America (São Paulo) sa-east-1

Install Space On-Premises to Amazon EC2

Installation to Amazon EC2 implies using an AWS CloudFormation template to deploy a stack with your own Space On-Premises instance. You can do this in the AWS Management Console.

  1. Make sure you have an AWS account.

  2. Open the AWS CloudFormation service in the AWS Management Console.

  3. Click Create stack.

  4. In Prepare template, select Template is ready.

  5. In Template source, select Amazon S3 URL and specify the URL:

  6. Click Next and specify the stack name and other parameters:

    Stack name

    (Required) The name of the stack for your Space instance.


    (Required) The email address of the Space administrator.


    (Required) Administrator username.


    (Required) Administrator password.


    The DNS name of an existing Amazon Route 53 hosted zone where you want to host your Space instance, for example,

    If you don't have a hosted zone, you can:

    • Leave this parameter empty. In this case, the template will generate a URL for your Space instance automatically using the service. Note that HTTPS is not available for the auto-generated URLs.

    • Register a new domain name in the Amazon Route 53 service. By default, when creating a domain, AWS will create a corresponding hosted zone for it. The hosted zone name is equal to the domain name.


    (Optional) The size of the provided resources. Possible values are:

    • Small: (Default) A t4g.xlarge instance for the main application and a db.t4g.medium instance for the database. 50GB of allocated storage for the database.

    • Medium: A t4g.xlarge instance for the main application and a db.t4g.large instance for the database. 100GB of allocated storage for the database.

    • Large: A t4g.2xlarge instance for the main application and a db.t4g.large instance for the database. 200GB of allocated storage for the database.

    See details about the T4g instances in the official AWS documentation.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Do not change any other options on all following pages and just skip them by clicking Next.

  9. Before clicking Submit, make sure to select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources. This is required as the template creates IAM roles for the Space instance.

  10. AWS CloudFormation will start creating a stack with Space On-Premises. This may take a while. After your stack is created, you can see the Space URL on the stack's Outputs tab.

  11. Perform post-installation administration activities:

Customize the Space On-Premises in Amazon EC2 installation

Generally, the installation of Space On-Premises to AWS is not supposed to be customized. You can only change some of the parameters you provided when creating a stack: the size of the provided resources and the hosted zone name.

To change these parameters:

  1. Open the AWS CloudFormation service in the AWS Management Console.

  2. Open the stack with Space On-Premises.

  3. Click Update and change the required parameters.

    Note that you cannot change the AdminEmail, AdminUsername, and AdminPassword parameters once the stack is created. Even if you update the corresponding values, they will not be applied.

  4. Do not change any other options and click Next.

  5. Click Submit.

Backup and restore of the Space On-Premises in Amazon EC2 installation

We strongly recommended that you back up your data regularly. This way, you can restore your Space installation in case of unexpected issues.

Technically, a backup of Space On-Premises in AWS Cloudformation is a composite backup that consists of several parts: backups of Space data and a backup of the AWS CloudFormation stack.

To back up your Space On-Premises instance

  1. Create a backup of your Space data:

    1. Open your Space On-Premises instance in a browser.

    2. On the main menu, click administration.png Administration and choose Database Backups.

    3. Click Create backup.

  2. Create a backup of your AWS CloudFormation stack.

    AWS lets you create on-demand backups or schedule them. Follow the official Amazon recommendations.

    As a result, you will get a composite backup that consists of:

    • A backup of your stack configuration.

    • A backup of S3 buckets that store the Space data backup you created in step 1.

To restore your Space On-Premises instance

  1. Open your AWS account.

  2. Open the AWS Backup console, then Protected resources.

  3. In Recovery points, find your composite backup and unfold it.

  4. Select the backup with the CloudFormation configuration. You can find this backup by the CloudFormation value in the Resource type column.

  5. Click Restore. During the restore, you will be asked to provide the same settings you provided during the installation. After the restore is complete, you will get a new stack with a clean Space On-Premises instance.

  6. Return to the Protected resources page and select the backup with the Space database. You can find this backup by the spacebucket word in its ID, for example, my-onprem-instance-spacebucket-1bdai-29239793114334-a04ca4e3.

  7. Click Restore. During the restore, provide the following settings:

    • In Restore type, choose Restore entire bucket.

    • In Restore destination, choose Use existing bucket.

    • In Bucket name, choose the bucket created for your restored Space On-Premises instance. The bucket contains the spacebucket word in its ID, for example, my-restored-instance-spacebucket-n0ulpds2xcks.

    Wait until the restore is complete.

  8. Return to the Protected resources page and in the same way as before, restore all other backups:

    • Space Packages backup: contains the packagesbucket word in its ID.

    • VCS backup: contains the vcssbucket word in its ID.

    • Automation backups: contain the automation word in their IDs.

  9. In a browser, open the Database Backups page of your restored Space On-Premises instance, for example, https://my-instance.url/manage/db-backups

    Important: If you open the index page of your instance, you will be asked to provide your Space license key. Do not do this! Your license key is already stored in the database backup.

  10. On the Database Backups page, click Restore next to the available backup.

Last modified: 31 May 2024