Handle Rejected Pushes
You Space repository can have a number of push restrictions — specific rules set by a project administrator to protect the repository from unauthorized commits, oversize files, invalid commit messages, etc.
If your commit doesn't satisfy these rules, your push will be rejected with an error message.
"Committer is not authenticated"
! [remote rejected] HEAD -> branch 2.0 (5bdd0d0cf84a12a23e0ac14d8ae889694ac7dc:
Committer is not authenticated: Travis Wickett <Travis.Wickett@somemail.com>
pushes on behalf of Andrea Delacey <Andrea.Delacey@somemail.com>.
Please make sure Travis Wickett <Travis.Wickett@somemail.com>
has a verified email Andrea.Delacey@somemail.com in their profile.)
error: failed to push some refs to 'ssh://git@git.mycompany.space/crl/space.git'
Your repository has a Verify committer push restriction which protects the repository from forgery. When the restriction is enabled, it checks if the user pushing the commit is the same as the one mentioned in the "committer" field.
You will get this error message if you try to push a commit which contains another person's email in its "committer" field. This can happen if you try to push a local branch or an entire repository that contains commits from other people.
Check the commits you are pushing. If you need to push other people commits, temporarily disable the Verify committer restriction (or ask your project administrator to disable it, if you don't have the rights).
"Commit is not signed"
"GPG public key not provided"
"Signature verification failed"
Your repository settings has the Require commit signature restriction enabled, which requires every commit to have a GPG signature. If the Verify commit signature rule is also enabled, the signature will be verified.
Make sure you have a GPG key set up and added to your Space account. Then sign your commits with your GPG key.
"Size of file is greater than the limit"
Your repository settings prohibit pushing files over specified size.
You can change or remove this restriction in the repository settings, or contact the project administrator if you don't have access.
"File is found in the list of forbidden names"
Your repository settings prohibit pushing files with certain names and/or extentions.
If you think that this restriction is unnecessary, remove it from the list or, if you don't have access to the settings, contact the project administrator.
"Commit message should match pattern ...
"Commit message should not match pattern...
Your repository settings prohibit commit messages that don't satisfy a specific pattern.
Rewrite your commit message to comply with the policy. You can change or remove this restriction in the repository settings, or contact the project administrator if you don't have access.