Install Space with Docker Compose
Host-machine platform: x86_64/amd64 or arm64.
Recommended host machine resources: 8 CPU cores, 12 GB memory.
Docker and Docker Compose 1.29.0 or later are installed on the host machine.
Create and open an installation directory:
mkdir -p space-on-premises && cd space-on-premises
Download the latest version of the
file from For example, if the latest version is 2024.2.2:export SPACE_RELEASE_NAME="2024.2.2" curl -O "${SPACE_RELEASE_NAME}/docker-compose.yml"
Deploy the Docker Compose configuration:
docker-compose -p space-on-premises up -d
Important: Do not change the
project name.Wait until the deployment is completed and make sure that all Space containers are up and running:
docker ps
Open your Space On-Premises instance in a browser. The default URL is
. The default administrator username isadmin
, the password isadmin
.Space components are accessible on the following URLs:
: Space user interface.
: VCS API.ssh://
: Packages API.
Perform post-installation administration activities:
If you want to use Space on mobile clients, configure push notifications.
If you want to use Space Automation (CI/CD), configure self-hosted Automation workers. Currently, Space On-Premises doesn't support cloud Automation workers.
If you want to use your Space instance in production, perform additional configuration: make your instance network-accessible and enable the mail server.
If you decide to use your own object storage instead of the default one, make sure to change its CORS policy to enable downloads in the Space Packages UI.
If you no longer need your Space installation, clean up the context:
docker-compose -p space-on-premises down -v docker-compose -p space-on-premises rm -f
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