Jenkins Integration
Currently, the Jenkins integration is only available for Space Cloud. On-premises version will be supported soon.
Integration with Jenkins lets you:
Trigger jobs in Jenkins on new commits or merge request updates in Space.
Receive build statuses from Jenkins for each commit that triggered a build, and view details about automated jobs involved.
Take full advantage of Space Quality Gates and Safe Merge by requiring a "green" build status as a condition for merging a feature branch into main.
Follow Hyperlinks to branches, files, and diffs in Space on the Changes page of a Jenkins build.
Jenkins version 2.440.3 and newer.
To complete the integration, you should have:
System administrator rights in Jenkins.
Project administrator rights in Space projects that will be connected to Jenkins.
You should have general understanding of CI/CD concept and be familiar with Jenkins administration.
The integration is achieved by installing the JetBrains Space plugin into your Jenkins instance and connecting a selected Space project with a Jenkins job or pipeline.
To set up the integration, please read these step-by-step instructions on the Space for Jenkins plugin page.