.NET and .NET Core
Eligible images
Currently, Space Automation does not provide any special API for working with .NET projects. This means, that you should run .NET Core builds by using the dotnet
driver directly inside shell scripts.
The content of .space.kts
might look like follows:
job(".NET Core desktop. Build, test, publish"){
container(image = "mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/sdk:3.1"){
env["FEED_URL"] = "https://nuget.pkg.jetbrains.space/mycompany/p/pkey/mynuget/v3/index.json"
shellScript {
content = """
echo Run build...
dotnet build
echo Run tests...
dotnet test ./MainTests/
echo Publish NuGet package...
chmod +x publish.sh
In more details:
: specifies a NuGet feed for publishing.dotnet build
anddotnet test
: runs build and tests correspondingly../publish.sh
: runs the publishing script. See details below.
The publish.sh
script authenticates Automation in the NuGet feed and publishes the NuGet package:
echo "Configure credentials"
dotnet nuget add source $FEED_URL -n space -u "%JB_SPACE_CLIENT_ID%" -p "%JB_SPACE_CLIENT_SECRET%" --store-password-in-clear-text
echo "Publish nuget package"
cd dotnet
dotnet pack -p:PackageVersion=$VERSION -o ./
dotnet nuget push dotnet-sample.$VERSION.nupkg -s space
In more details:
: specifies feed URL using the environment variable set in .space.kts.$JB_SPACE_CLIENT_ID
: environment variables that authenticate the Automation service in Space Packages.VERSION="1.0.$JB_SPACE_EXECUTION_NUMBER"
to specify the package version based on the script run number.
Thanks for your feedback!