Public Holidays
post /api/http/public-holidays/calendars
Create a public holiday calendar for a location
get /api/http/public-holidays/calendars
Get all public holiday calendars
post /api/http/public-holidays/calendars/import
Import holidays in a public holiday calendar, using an attachment ( .ics format ) as the source
patch /api/http/public-holidays/calendars/{id}
Update an existing public holiday calendar
delete /api/http/public-holidays/calendars/{id}
Delete a public holiday calendar
post /api/http/public-holidays/holidays
Add a holiday to a public holiday calendar and specify if it is a working day or not
get /api/http/public-holidays/holidays
Get/search all holidays in a public holiday calendar. Parameters are applied as ' AND ' filters.
patch /api/http/public-holidays/holidays/{id}
Update a holiday in a public holiday calendar. Optional parameters will be ignored when not specified and updated otherwise.
delete /api/http/public-holidays/holidays/{id}
Delete a holiday from a public holiday calendar
get /api/http/public-holidays/holidays/profile-holidays
Get holidays observed in the location ( s ) of the current profile during the selected period
get /api/http/public-holidays/holidays/related-holidays
Search related holidays in all public holiday calendars, during the selected period