JetBrains Space Help

Space SDK

Space SDK is a library that lets you work with the JetBrains Space HTTP API and simplifies developing Space applications.

Quick start

1. Reference Space SDK in your project

Add the following dependencies to the project's build.gradle/build.gradle.kts file:

// the example is given for build.gradle.kts repositories { // here go other project repos ... maven("") } dependencies { // here go other dependencies ... // We use SDK v.159302, but when you read this guide, a newer version may be available. // To find out which SDK version is the latest available: open API Playground, // in the "Code" section on the right, choose "Kotlin SDK", and click "Set up dependency..." implementation("org.jetbrains:space-sdk-jvm:159302-beta") // We also need a Ktor client implementation("io.ktor:ktor-client-cio-jvm:2.0.3") }

2. Create Space access token

To make any calls, your application must first authorize in Space. Normally, you should register your application in Space and use the received client ID and secret for authorization (Client Credentials OAuth 2.0 flow). But for testing purposes, it is faster and easier to create a personal token:

  1. Сreate a personal token.

  2. When creating the token, specify permissions required by your application (e.g., to send messages to Space users, grant Send direct messages in the global context). Note that a production application must use other ways to obtain the required permissions depending on its authorization flow.

3. Create Space client

Space SDK provides a client that simplifies making calls to Space:

import space.jetbrains.api.runtime.SpaceAuth import space.jetbrains.api.runtime.SpaceClient import space.jetbrains.api.runtime.ktorClientForSpace val spaceHttpClient = ktorClientForSpace() // serverUrl - URL of your Space instance // token - access token created in the previous step val spaceClient = SpaceClient(ktorClient = spaceHttpClient, serverUrl = "", token = "here-goes-access-token")

4. Make a call to Space

Use the Space client to make calls to your Space instance:

spaceClient.chats.messages.sendMessage( channel = ChannelIdentifier.Profile(ProfileIdentifier.Username("John.Doe")), content = message { section { text("Hello from my app!") } } )

Learn how to work with Space endpoints

1. Reference Space SDK in your project

Add the Space SDK client to your project. For example, with the dotnet command-line tool:

dotnet add package JetBrains.Space.Client --version 1.0.0-beta.v2022.2.0-DEV.113510.9115

We use SDK 1.0.0-beta.v2022.2.0-DEV.113510.9115, but when you read this guide, a newer version may be available.

2. Create Space access token

To make any calls, your application must first authorize in Space. Normally, you should register your application in Space and use the received client ID and secret for authorization (Client Credentials OAuth 2.0 flow). But for testing purposes, it is faster and easier to create a personal token:

  1. Сreate a personal token.

  2. When creating the token, specify permissions required by your application (e.g., to send messages to Space users, grant Send direct messages in the global context). Note that a production application must use other ways to obtain the required permissions depending on its authorization flow.

3. Create Space connection

using JetBrains.Space.Client; using JetBrains.Space.Common; // url of your Space instance var url = new Uri(""); // access token created in the previous step var token = "here-goes-access-token"; var authTokens = new AuthenticationTokens(token); var connection = new BearerTokenConnection(url, authTokens);

4. Make a call to Space

Create the required client and make calls to your Space instance:

// create a client that will send chat messages var chatClient = new ChatClient(connection); await chatClient.Messages.SendMessageAsync( recipient: MessageRecipient.Member(ProfileIdentifier.Username("John.Doe")), content: new ChatMessageText("Hello from my app!"));

Learn how to work with Space endpoints

What is inside Space SDK

Space SDK provides:

Space SDK distributions

The SDK comes in two versions:

  • Space SDK for Kotlin available at the public JetBrains Space repository:

    • org.jetbrains:space-sdk-jvm:{version} – Space HTTP API client that can be used on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

    • org.jetbrains:space-sdk-js:{version} – Space HTTP API client that can be used with Kotlin/JS.

  • Space SDK for .NET available at

    • JetBrains.Space.Client — The generated client code to work with the Space HTTP API.

    • JetBrains.Space.AspNetCore — Helpers for using JetBrains.Space with ASP.NET Core.

    • JetBrains.Space.AspNetCore.Authentication — Authentication provider that integrates with ASP.NET Core.

Space HTTP API client. Work with Space endpoints

The important part of Space SDK is the Space HTTP API client. Among many other things, the client provides direct access to Space endpoints. The corresponding properties and methods of SpaceHttpClient are structured in the same way as in API Playground. You can always use the playground as interactive help and even client code generator:

SDK client structure

Get data from Space

You can use Space endpoints to get data from Space. For example, this is how you can get a user profile from the Team Directory

val appInstance = AppInstance(clientId, clientSecret, spaceServerUrl) // requires the ViewProfile permission SpaceClient(appInstance, SpaceAuth.ClientCredentials()).use { it.teamDirectory.profiles.getProfile(ProfileIdentifier.Username("John.Doe")) }

The memberProfile has properties of the profile such as id, username, and about.

Manipulate Space modules

Space endpoints let you perform many operations in Space, e.g. send a chat message, create a blog post, add a project member, close a code review, and so on. For example, this is how you can publish a blog post:

val client = SpaceHttpClient(HttpClient()) .withServiceAccountTokenSource(id, secret, url) // requires the PublishArticles right title = "My First Blog Post", content = "Hello World!" )

Application permissions

To perform get or set requests to Space endpoints, your application must have corresponding permissions. Learn how to request permissions.

You can find out what permissions are required to perform a certain call in API Playground.

Check permissions in API Playground

Fields and properties

All Space responses contain a JSON object with the requested data. By default, if you don't specify the fields you want to get, this JSON object will contain all top-level properties.

HTTP Request:

GET Authorization: Bearer abc123 Accept: application/json


{ "id": "2asfen24Jx6u", "username": "John.Doe", "name": { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe" }, "speaksEnglish": true, "smallAvatar": "vYK0b1Qisdf2C", "avatar": "40uDKb4RHdsst", ...

You can do the same request with the Space SDK:

val memberProfile = spaceClient.teamDirectory.profiles .getProfile(ProfileIdentifier.Username("John.Doe"))

Partial responses

For most requests, you can shape the results you want to retrieve from Space. For example, to retrieve only the user id and the about description, you can set the $fields parameter in an API request to $fields=id,about.

Being able to retrieve just the information our application requires, helps to reduce the payload size and results in better overall performance.

HTTP Request:

GET$fields=id,about Authorization: Bearer abc123 Accept: application/json


{ "id": "2asfen24Jx6u", "about": "Johny is a nice man" }

To perform such a request with the Space SDK, you should use the so-called partial methods (id() and about() in our case):

val memberProfile = spaceClient.teamDirectory.profiles .getProfile(ProfileIdentifier.Username("John.Doe") ) { id() about() }

If you try to access the property, which is not in the response, the Space HTTP client will throw an IllegalStateException with additional information.

try { // This will fail... println("${} ${}") } catch (e: IllegalStateException) { // ...and you'll get a pointer about why it fails: // Property 'name' was not requested. Reference chain: getAllProfiles->data->[0]->name println("The Space API client tells us which partial query should be added to access the property:"); println(e.message) }

Worth noting that fields can be not only of a value type (integer, string, boolean, and so on), but of a complex type as well. As an example, a user profile has the name field of the TD_ProfileName, which in turn has the firstName and lastName fields. To request this hierarchy, you need to query $fields=name(firstName,lastName)

Nested properties

If you perform a request like that:

val memberProfile = spaceClient.teamDirectory.profiles .getProfile(ProfileIdentifier.Username("John.Doe"))

Space will return an instance of the TD_MemberProfile type which includes a lot of top-level properties: id, username, about, and others. Among them there is the managers property which is a collection of nested TD_MemberProfile instances. Such a property is not retrieved by default. You must do this explicitly.

For example, if you want to retrieve managers for a user profile including manager names, you should request these properties by extending the default partial result:

val memberProfile = spaceClient.teamDirectory.profiles .getProfile(ProfileIdentifier.Username("John.Doe")) { defaultPartial() // with all top level fields managers { // include managers id() // with their id username() // and their username name { // and their name firstName() // with firstName lastName() // and firstName } } }


  • defaultPartial(): a special partial method that adds all fields at the current level (* field definition).

Recursive responses

The example with memberProfile.managers is quite interesting because every manager can have its own manager (who can also have a manager, who ...). As you don't know how many managers are in this tree, you can request a recursive response. It will return the entire managers tree.

The functions that represent such tree structures have special overloads for retrieving recursive responses. For example in case of managers, it's managers(recursiveAs: TD_MemberProfilePartial). This is how you can use it:

val memberProfile = spaceClient.teamDirectory.profiles .getProfile(ProfileIdentifier.Username("John.Doe")) { defaultPartial() // with all top level fields managers(this) // and the same fields for all managers }


There are several Space endpoints that return subclasses (polymorphic responses).

One such example is spaceClient.projects.planning.issues.getAllIssues(), where the createdBy property can be a subclass of CPrincipalDetails:

  • CAutomationTaskPrincipalDetails, if the issue was created by an automation task.

  • CBuiltInServicePrincipalDetails, if the issue was created by Space itself.

  • CExternalServicePrincipalDetails, if the issue was created by an external service.

  • CUserWithEmailPrincipalDetails, if the issue was created by a user that has an e-mail address.

  • CUserPrincipalDetails, if the issue was created by a user.

The partial builder contains properties for all of these classes.

Here's an example retrieving issues from a project. For the createdBy property, you are defining that the response should contain:

  • CUserPrincipalDetails with the property.

  • CUserWithEmailPrincipalDetails with the name and email properties.

val issueStatuses = spaceClient.projects.planning.issues.statuses .getAllIssueStatuses(ProjectIdentifier.Key("CRL")).map { } val issues = spaceClient.projects.planning.issues .getAllIssues(ProjectIdentifier.Key("CRL"), sorting = IssuesSorting.UPDATED, descending = true, statuses = issueStatuses) { defaultPartial() creationTime() createdBy { details { // Available on CUserPrincipalDetails user { id() } // Available on CUserWithEmailPrincipalDetails, // CAutomationTaskPrincipalDetails, CBuiltInServicePrincipalDetails name() email() } } status() }.data.forEach { issue -> when (issue.createdBy.details) { is CUserPrincipalDetails -> { // ... } is CUserWithEmailPrincipalDetails -> { // ... } } }

You can cast these types, use when expressions on them, and so on.


There are a lot of requests that can return a collection of results. To increase performance, these responses will be paginated, and can be retrieved in batches.

You must specify the properties of the data type you need. For example, let's retrieve the user's To-Do items for some date including their id and content:

// Get all To-Do var todoBatchInfo = BatchInfo("0", 100) do { val todoBatch = spaceClient.todoItems .getAllTodoItems(from = LocalDate(2020, 01, 01), batchInfo = todoBatchInfo) { id() content() } { todo -> // ... } todoBatchInfo = BatchInfo(, 100) } while (todoBatch.hasNext())


  • hasNext(): an extension method that lets you to determine whether more results need to be retrieved:

    fun Batch<*>.hasNext() = !data.isEmpty()

The resulting batch will contain one page of results. To retrieve more To-Do items, you should make additional API calls.

Last modified: 10 May 2023