TeamCity 2017.1 Help

Custom Chart

In addition to statistic charts generated automatically by TeamCity on the Statistics tab, it is possible to configure your own statistical charts based on the set of statistic values provided by TeamCity or values reported from a build script. In the latter case you will need to configure your build script to report custom statistical data to TeamCity.

You can view statistic values reported by the build on the Build parameters page.

Managing Custom Charts via the TeamCity Web UI

It is possible to manage custom charts using the TeamCity Web UI.

Adding Custom Charts

  • The Statistics tab for a project or build configuration provides an option to create a new chart. Note that only one build configuration can be currently added as the data source. More configurations can be added manually.

  • On the Parameters tab of the build results page, the list of Reported statistic values provides checkboxes to select the statistics type for a new project- or build-configuration-level chart.

    • A project-level chart will be added to the selected target project. The root project cannot be selected as the target.

    • A build-configuration-level chart will be added to all build configurations of the selected target project and its subprojects. Specifying the root project as the target will add the chart to all build configurations available on the server.

Modifying Custom Charts

Use the pencil Pencil icon to edit or delete a custom chart. Note that the Add Statistic Values drop-down displays all statistic values registered on the server. If you select a value non-existent in the current build configuration or project when editing a chart, the chart will not be saved.

Using the cog Cog icon, you can also configure the Y-axis settings and save them as defaults for all users.

There is a number of limitations to editing charts from the TeamCity UI.

Reordering Custom Charts

To reorder custom charts for a project/build configuration, click the Reorder button and drag-and-drop the charts to arrange them as required and apply your changes.

Managing Custom Charts Manually

To manually create custom charts to be displayed in the TeamCity web UI, configure the < >/ config/projects/ < ProjectID > /project-config.xml file. The file has the<project-extensions> element which contains all project features, including custom charts. For each chart an <extention> element is added.

Displaying Custom Chart in TeamCity Web UI

To make TeamCity display a custom chart in the web UI, update the < >/ config/projects/ < ProjectID > /project-config.xml configuration file adding a new <extention> sub-element to the <project-extensions> element.

Each extension must have a unique id in the project.

The typeattribute is set to

  • <project-graphs> for Project-level chart

  • <buildType-graphs> for Build Configuration-level chart.

Each chart is described by the <parameters> element. It must contain the < param> sub-elements with data shown in the chart in name/value pairs; the "series" parameter uses the JSON format to list series of data shown on the chart.

See the example below:

Custom build configuration-level chart in project-config.xml

<project-extensions> <extension id="customChart1" type="buildtype-graphs"> <parameters> <param name="title" value="Custom chart"/> <param name="hideFilters" value="showFailed"/> <param name="seriesTitle" value="Some key"/> <param name="format" value="duration"/> <param name="series"><![CDATA[[ { "type": "valueType", "key": "BuildDuration", "title": "duration1", "sourceBuildTypeId": "my_first_configuration_id" }, { "type": "valueType", "key": "customKey", "title": "Custom data", "color": "#ee0055 " }, { "type": "valueTypes", "pattern": "buildStageDuration:*", "title": "Stage: {1}" } ] ]]] ]><![CDATA[> </param> <param name="properties.width" value="300"/> <param name="properties.height" value="300"/> <param name="properties.axis.y.type" value="logarithmic"/> <param name="properties.axis.y.includeZero" value="false"/> <param name="properties.axis.y.max" value="10000"/> </parameters> </extension> <extension id="secondChart" type="buildtype-graphs"> <parameters> <param name="title" value="empty"/> </parameters> </extension> </project-extensions>

This chart will be shown on Statistics tabs of the Build Configurations of the project where the project-config.xml file is located and all its subprojects. To display a chart for all Build Configurations, add it to the project-config.xml of the Root Project.

Parameters Reference




The title above the chart.


The title above the list of series used on the chart (in the singular form). The default is "Serie".


The list of comma-separated options to be checked by default. Can include the following:

  • showFailed — include results from failed builds by default.

  • averaged — by default, show averaged values on the chart.


The list of comma-separated filter names that will not be shown next to the chart:

  • all — hide all filters.

  • series — hide series filter (you won't be able to show only data from specific valueType specified for the chart.)

  • range — hide the date range filter.

  • showFailed — hide the checkbox which allows including data for failed builds.

  • averaged — hide the checkbox which allows viewing averaged values. Defaults — empty (all filters are shown).


The format of the y-axis values. Supported formats are:

  • duration, data should be in milliseconds;

  • percent, data should be in percents (from 0 to 100);

  • percentby1, the format will show data between 0 and 1 as percents (from 0 to 100);

  • size, data should be in bytes. If no format is specified, the numeric format is used.

The <series> parameter uses JSON format to list series of data shown on the chart. Each series is drawn in a separate color and you can choose one or another series using a filter.




  • valueType describes a series of data shown on the chart. Each series is drawn with a separate color and you may choose one or another series using a filter.

  • valueTypes allows displaying several series on the chart by a pattern(described below)


The name of the valueType (series). It can be predefined by TeamCity, like BuildDuration or ArtifactsSize (see below Default Statistics Values Provided by TeamCity for the complete list of predefined statistic values), or you can provide your own data by reporting it from the build script.


The series name shown in the series selector. Defaults to <key>. For several series, p attern group markers can be used: {1} stands for the first captured group in the pattern, {0} stands for the whole pattern.


This field allows you to explicitly specify a build configuration to use the data from for the given series. This field is mandatory for the first valueType used in a chart if the chart is added at the project level. In other cases it is optional. However, note that TeamCity chooses the build configuration to take the data from according to the following rules:

  1. if the sourceBuildTypeId is set within the valueType, the data is taken from this build configuration even if it belongs to a different project.

  2. if the sourceBuildTypeId is not set within current the valueType, but it is set in the valueType above the current one within the chart, the data from the build configuration referenced above will be taken. See example for the plugin-settings.xml file above.

  3. if the sourceBuildTypeId is not set within current the valueType and is not set above, the chart will show data for the current build configuration, i.e. this chart will work only for build configurations.


The color of a series to be used in the chart. Standard web color formats can be used - "#RRGGBB", color names, etc. For more information see HTML Colors reference and HTML Color Names reference. If not specified, an automatic color will be assigned based on the series title.

patternedValues pattern

Pattern for names of the Value Types (or series) to be shown on the chart. The asterisk (*) sign is allowed to filter Value Types (or series) either predefined by TeamCity, like BuildDuration or ArtifactsSize (see below Default Statistics Values Provided by TeamCity for the complete list of predefined statistic values), or your own data can be provided by reporting it from the build script.

Chart Dimensions

You can set the custom chart width/height in pixels using the properties.width andproperties. height attributes for the param elements, e.g. <param name="properties.width" value="300"/>.

Chart Axis Settings

You can also customize the default axis settings for a chart via parameter names starting with properties, e.g. properties.axis.y.type

Supported properties:



properties. axis.y.type

  • linear (default) for the standard scale.

  • logarithmic for the logarithmic Y axis scale

properties. axis.y.includeZero

Whether the zero value is included on the Y axis:

  • true (default)

  • false(zero is not included)


An integer value to start the Y axis from.


An integer value to use as the maximum for the Y axis value .

Default Statistics Values Provided by TeamCity

The table below lists the predefined value providers that can be used to configure a custom chart. The values reported for each build differ depending on your build configuration settings.

You can view the all statistic values reported by the build on the Build Results | Parameters | Reported statistic values tab. For each of the values, a statistics chart is available on clicking the View Trend icon View trend.





The sum of all artifact file sizes in the artifact directory



The sum of all artifact file sizes excluding hidden artifacts (those placed under .teamcity directory)



The duration of the artifact publishing step in the build



The duration of the source checkout step



The duration of resolving dependencies of the build



The build duration (all build stages)



The build steps duration (excluding the checkout and artifact publishing time, etc.)



Block-level code coverage



Class-level code coverage



Line-level code coverage



Method-level code coverage



Branch Coverage



Statement Coverage



The number of covered blocks



The total number of blocks



The number of covered classes



The total number of classes



The number of covered lines



The total number of lines



The number of covered methods



The total number of methods



The number of covered branches



The total number of branches



The number of covered statements



The total number of statements



The number of code duplicates found



The total number of tests in the build



The number of successfully passed tests in the build



The number of failed tests in the build



The number of ignored tests in the build



The number of inspection errors in the build



The number of inspection warnings in the build



An indicator whether the build was successful

0 - failed, 1 - successful


How long the build was queued


Custom Build Metrics

If the predefined build metrics do not cover your needs, you can report custom metrics to TeamCity from your build script and use them to create a custom chart. There are two ways to report custom metrics to TeamCity:

Note that custom value keys should be unique and should not interfere with value keys predefined by TeamCity.

Last modified: 20 April 2023