TeamCity 2017.1 Help

Docker Build

Starting from TeamCity 2017.2, TeamCity comes with built-in  Docker integration, which includes the Docker Build runner.

The runner allows building Docker images as a separate build step. When creating TeamCity projects/ build configurations from a repository URL, the runner is offered as build step during auto-detection, provided a Dockerfile is present in the VCS repository.

Docker Build Parameters



Dockerfile source

Depending on the selected source, the settings below will vary. The available options include File, a URL or File content.

Path to file

Available if File is selected as the source. Specify the path to the Docker file. The path should be relative to the checkout directory.

Context folder

Available if File is selected as the source.Specify the context for the docker build. If blank, the enclosing folder for Dockerfile will be used.

URL to file

Available if URL is selected as the source. The URL can refer to three kinds of resources: Git repositories, pre-packaged tarball contexts, and plain text files. See Docker documentation for details.

File Content:

Available if the file c is selected as the source. You can enter the content of the Dockerfile into the field.


Provide a newline-separated list of image name:tag(s)

Additional arguments for 'build' command

Supply additional arguments to the docker build command. See Docker documentation for details.

To push the built images to the repository, add the Command Line build step with the docker push command to your configuration.

Last modified: 20 April 2023