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MSBuild Service Tasks

Last modified: 20 April 2023

For MSBuild, TeamCity provides the following service tasks that implement the same options as the Build Script Interaction with TeamCity:


TeamCitySetBuildNumber allows user to change BuildNumber:

<TeamCitySetBuildNumber BuildNumber="1.3_{build.number}" />

It is possible to use '{build.number}' as a placeholder for older build number.


TeamCityProgressMessage allows you to write progress message.

<TeamCityProgressMessage Text="Progress message text" />


TeamCityPublishArtifacts allows you to publish all artifacts taken from MSBuild item group

<ItemGroup> <Files Include="*.dll" /> </ItemGroup> <TeamCityPublishArtifacts SourceFiles="@(Files-> '%(FullPath)' )" Condition=" '$(TEAMCITY_VERSION)' != '' "/>


TeamCityReportStatsValue is a handy task to publish statistic values

<TeamCityReportStatsValue Key="StatsValueType" Value="42" />


TeamCityBuildProblem task reports a build problem which actually fails the build. Build problems appear on the build results page and also affect build status text.

<TeamCityBuildProblem description="description" identity="identity"/>

  • Mandatory description attribute is a human-readable text describing the build problem. By default description appears in build status text.

  • identity is an optional attribute and characterizes particular build problem instance. Shouldn't change throughout builds if the same problem occurs, e.g. the same compilation error. Should be a valid Java id up to 60 characters. By default identity is calculated based on description.


TeamCitySetStatus is a task to change current build status text. Prior to TeamCity 8.0, this task was also used for changing build status to failure. However since TeamCity 7.1 TeamCityBuildProblem task should be used for this purpose.

<TeamCitySetStatus Status="<status value>" Text="{build.status.text} and some aftertext" />

'{build.status.text}' is substituted with older status text. Status can have SUCCESS value.