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Configure and Run Your First Build

Last modified: 20 April 2023

After you installed and started TeamCity as described here, the server is accessible locally on the default port (on Windows as http://localhost/, and on Linux/ OS X as http://localhost:8111/) and has one registered build agent that runs on the same computer.

Now we can get building! This section describes how you can:

Create your first project

In TeamCity, there is t he default <Root project> containing all other projects in TeamCity. To create a project, use the Administration link at the top right corner and click Create project. The Create project page is displayed.

There are several options to create a project:

  • From a repository URL (default)

  • From GitHub (and similarly from Bitbucket Cloud repository and from Visual Studio Team Services)

  • Manually

Create a project from a repository URL

This is the fastest way to create your first build.

  1. On the Create project page, click the From a repository URL option and p aste the repository URL of your project into the field. The URL formats are listed here. If required, specify your repository credentials.

    Create project1

    Click Proceed and follow the wizard.

  2. TeamCity will do the rest for you: it will identify the type of the VCS repository, test the connection and auto-configure VCS repository settings, as well as suggest the project and build configuration names.

    Create project2
  3. Click Proceed. Next TeamCity will scan your VCS repository and autodetect your build steps. Check the boxes of the steps and use them in your build configuration.

    Create project3

    The selected build step is added to the build configuration.

  4. Congratulations! You've configured your first build containing one build step. Now you can run your build andtweak its settings if necessary.

Create a project pointing to repository

  1. Click the Create project button and select Pointing to repository.

  2. The Connections page with the Add connection dialog opens. It provides the parameters to be used when registering your TeamCity application in GitHub service. Click the register TeamCity link.

    Create gh connection
  3. The GitHub page opens. You need to register TeamCity as an OAuth application in GitHub. The following steps are performed in your GitHub account:

  4. Log into your GitHub account. On the Register a new OAuth application page specify the name (and an optional description), the homepage URL and the callback URL as provided by TeamCity. Use the From gh0 copy icon to copy the required parameters.

Create gh connection o auth

  1. Click Register application.

  2. Scroll down and click Update application. The page is updated with Client ID and the client secret information for your TeamCity application.

  3. Continue configuring the connection in TeamCity: on the Add Connection page, specify the Client ID and the client secret.

    Create gh connectiontokens
  4. Save your settings.

  5. Next you need to authorize TeamCity in the VCS: go to the Project administration, click Create project, select From GitHub and click Sign in to GitHub:

    Create g hsign into gh
  6. On the page that opens, authorize the TeamCity application. The authorized application will be granted full control of private repositories and the Write repository hooks permission in GitHub.

  7. Now you have a connection configured and you can continue with creating your project in TeamCity: All the repositories available to the user will be listed. Start typing to filter the list and select the required repository:

    Create gh connection projects
  8. TeamCity will verify the repository connection. If the сonnection is verified, the Create Project page opens. TeamCity will display the project and build configuration name. If required, modify the names and click Proceed. Next TeamCity will scan your VCS repository and autodetect your build steps (it may take some time). Check the boxes of the steps and use them in your build configuration.

  9. The selected build step is added to the build configuration. Congratulations! You've configured the GitHub connection and your first build containing one build step. Now you can run your build and tweak its settings if necessary.

When the connection is configured, a small GitHub icon becomes active in several places of the UI where a repository URL can be specified (create project from URL, create a build configuration from URL, create VCS root from URL, create Git VCS root, create GitHub issue tracker for the current project and all of its subprojects), making it easier to create these entities in TeamCity.

Create a project manually

You can create a project manually if auto-detection of settings is not suitable for you.

  1. Use the Administration link in the top right corner to go to the Administration area and click Create project and select Manually. Specify the project's name, ID (autogenerated, modifiable) and an optional description. Click Create:

    Create project manually

  2. When a project is created, TeamCity prompts to populate it with build configurations. Click Create build configuration. They can be created automatically (similarly to creating projects) or manually as described below. If you select to do it manually, specify the build configuration name, ID (autogenerated, modifiable) and an optional description .

    Created bc

  3. Next TeamCity offers to create and attach a new VCS Root: to be able to create a build, TeamCity has to know where the source code resides, and a VCS root is a collection of VCS settings (paths to sources, login, password, and other settings) that defines how TeamCity communicates with a version control (SCM) system to monitor changes and get sources for a build. Each build configuration has to have at least one VCS root attached to it. A VCS root can be created automatically or manually. To create it manually, select the type of VCS from the drop-down (Git in the example below), s pecify the required information (name and URL), test your connection and click Create.

    Created vcs root


    If your project resides in several version control systems, you can attach as many VCS Roots to it as you need. For example, if you store a part of your project in Perforce, and the rest in Git, you need to create and attach 2 VCS roots - one for Perforce, another for Git. Learn more about configuring VCS roots.

    After you have created a VCS root, you can instruct TeamCity to exclude some directories from checkout, or map some paths (copy directories and all their contents) to a location on the build agent different from the default one. This can be done by means of checkout rules. You can also specify whether you want TeamCity to checkout the sources on the agent or server. Note that the agent-side checkout is supported not for all VCSs, and in case you want to use it, you need to have a version control client installed on at least one agent.

    After the VCS Root is created, the build configuration settings are displayed on the left.

  4. Now you can configure  Build steps by selecting the corresponding setting on the left. You can either instruct TeamCity to automatically detect the build steps after scanning your repository or configure build steps manually as described in this example. Click Add build step and select a build runner from the drop-down.

    New build step
  5. Fill in the required fields and save the build step.

  6. Congratulations! You've configured your first build containing one build step. Now you can run your build and tweak its settings if necessary.

Run your first build

Your build currently has one build step and you can now launch your first build by clicking Run i n the upper right corner of the TeamCity web UI:

Run build

You will be redirected to the build result page, where you can watch the build progress and review its results upon the build finishing. You can also access your build configuration settings from this page and edit them as required:

Build results

Tweak your build configuration settings

You might want to configure the following settings:


If your build produces installers, WAR files, reports, log files, etc. and you want them to be published on the TeamCity server after finishing the build, you can specify the paths to such artifacts in the General Settings section of Build configuration settings. As you have a finished build, the build agent has the checkout sources already and the Artifact paths field has the checkout directory browser. You can select artifacts from the tree:

Artifact paths
TeamCity will place the paths to them into the input field and you can modify them as needed:
Artifact paths archive
Save your settings. Now when we run a build, TeamCity will put the required reports into an archive. The build configuration home page lists all builds that were run and enables you to view the available artifacts:

Artifacts published

You can also view and download artifacts from the build results page:

Artifacts published results
More details are available in the dedicated section of our documentation.

Automatic Build Trigger

Automatic build triggering on detecting a change in the version control is essential to any CI. TeamCity will add a VCS trigger automatically when creating a project / build configuration from a URL or repository. You can also do it manually using the Edit Build Configuration Settings drop-down, Triggers page:

Add trigger

Build Number Format

Each build in TeamCity has a build number, which is a string identifier composed according to the pattern specified on theGeneral settings page of your build configuration (the field is available on clicking the show advanced options link). You can leave the default value here, in which case the build number format will be maintained by TeamCity and will be resolved into a next integer value on each new build start. More details are available in the dedicated section of our documentation.

Happy building!