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Configuring Finish Build Trigger

Last modified: 20 April 2023

The Finish build trigger triggers a build of the current build configuration when a build of the selected build configuration is finished. If the Trigger after successful build only checkbox is enabled, a build is triggered only after a successful build of the selected configuration.

To monitor builds in other build configurations and trigger a build if these builds change, please see this option of the Schedule build trigger.

In a build configuration with branches, use the filter described below to limit the branches where finished builds will trigger new builds of the current configuration.

Branch FilterbranchFilter

When a VCS Root has branches configured, the Branch filter setting appears in the trigger options.

The Branch filter setting limits a set of logical branch names (the branch names as they appear in the TeamCity UI) which trigger should apply to. The branch filter uses format and precedence similar to the branch specification (but it matches logical branch name and uses no parenthesis).

Details of the format:

where logical branch name is the part of the branch name matched by the branch specification (i.e. displayed for a build in TeamCity UI), see Working With Feature Branches.

It is possible to use the wildcard placeholder ('*') which matches one or more characters: +|-:name* will match the branch 'name1' but will not match the branch 'name', which will need to be added explicitly.

Other examples:

Only the default branch is accepted:

All branches except the default one are accepted:

Only branches with the feature- prefix are accepted:

By default, the branch filter is set to +:*, which is the equivalent of an empty branch filter. In this case that a build will be triggered on every branch tracked by the branch specification.

If several rules match a single branch, the most specific (least characters matched by pattern) last rule apply.