TeamCity provides its own NUnit tests launcher that can be used from command line. The tests are run according to the passed parameters and, if the process is run inside the TeamCity build agent environment, the results are reported to the TeamCity agent.
Supported NUnit versions: 2.2.10, 2.4.1, 2.4.6, 2.4.7, 2.4.8, 2.5.0, 2.5.2, 2.5.3, 2.5.4, 2.5.5, 2.5.6, 2.5.7, 2.5.8, 2.5.9, 2.5.10, 2.6.0, 2.6.1, 2.6.2, 2.6.3. For NUnit 3.x, use the NUnit build runner.
It is possible to have several versions of NUnit installed on an agent machine and use any of them in a build.
If you need to access the path to the TeamCity NUnit launcher from some process, you can add the %\system.teamcity.dotnet.nunitlauncher%environment variable.
Values surrounded with "%" in custom scripts in the Command line runner are treated as TeamCity references.
You can pass the following command line options to the TeamCity NUnit Test Launcher:
Version of .NET Framework to run tests. Acceptable values are v1.1, v2.0, v4.0 or ANY.
Platform to run tests. Acceptable values are x86, x64 and MSIL.
For .NET Framework 1.1 only MSIL option is available.
<NUnit vers.>
Test framework to use. The value has to be specified in the following format: NUnit-<version>.
The list of categories separated by ',' (optional). Category expression are supported since NUnit v2.4.6 to NUnit v3.0 not inclusive.
The list of categories separated by ',' (optional). Category expression are supported since NUnit v2.4.6 to NUnit v3.0 not inclusive .
List of third-party NUnit addins to use (optional).
<assemblies to test>
List of assemblies paths separated by ';' or space.
Specify, if you want to run each assembly in a new process.
Category Expression
Beginning with NUnit 2.4.6 and up to but not including NUnit v3.0 , a Category Expression can be used. The table shows some examples:
Selects tests having any of the categories A, B or C.
Selects tests having any of the categories A, B or C.
Selects only tests having all three of the categories assigned.
Selects tests with both A and B OR with category C.
Selects tests with both A and B but not C.
Selects tests not having category A assigned.
Selects tests having both category A and either of B or C.
Selects tests having both category A and either of B or C.
Note: As shown by the last two examples, the comma operator (,) is equivalent to the pipe (|) but has a higher precendence. The order of evaluation is as follows:
Unary exclusion operator (-)
High-precendence union operator (,)
Intersection and set subtraction operators (+ and binary -)
Low-precedence union operator (|)
Note: Since the operator characters have special meaning, you should avoid creating a category that uses any of them in its name. For example, the category "db-tests" could not be used in the command line, as it appears to means "run category db, except for category tests." The same limitation applies to the characters having a special meaning for the shell you are using.
The following examples assume that the teamcity.dotnet.nunitlauncher property is set as a system property on the Parameters page of the Build Configuration.