Artifact Dependencies
This page details configuration of the TeamCity Artifact Dependencies.
The Build Configuration Settings | Dependencies | Artifact Dependencies section allows configuring the dependencies. It is possible to disable a configured dependency temporarily or permanently using the corresponding option in the last column of the Artifact Dependencies list.
Configuring Artifact Dependencies Using Web UI
To add an artifact dependency to a build configuration:
When creating/editing a build configuration, open the Dependencies page.
Click the Add new artifact dependency link and specify the following settings:
Option | Description |
Depend on | Specify the build configuration for the current build configuration to depend on. A dependency can be configured on a previous build of the same build configuration. |
Get artifacts from | Specify the type of build whose artifacts are to be taken: last successful build, last pinned build, last finished build, build from the same chain (this option is useful when you have a snapshot dependency and want to obtain artifacts from a build with the same sources), build with a specific build number or the last finished build with a specified tag.
Build number | This field appears if you have selected build with specific build number in the Get artifacts from list. |
Build tag | This field appears if you have selected last finished build with specified tag in the Get artifacts from list. |
Build branch filter | This field appears if the dependency has a branch specified in the VCS Root settings. Allows setting a branch filter to limit source builds only to those in the matching branches. If not specified, the default branch is used. |
Artifacts Rules | Here you specify the artifacts of the source build to be downloaded and the location on the agent they will be downloaded to before the dependent build starts. A newline-delimited set of rules. Each rule must have the following syntax:
Each rule specifies the files to be downloaded from the "source" build. The SourcePath should be relative to the artifacts directory of the "source" build. The path can either identify a specific file, directory, or use wildcards to match multiple files. Ant-like wildcards are supported. Basic examples:
ArchivePath is used to extract downloaded compressed artifacts. Zip, 7-zip, jar, tar and tar.gz are supported. Archive processing examples:
Exclusive patterns examples:
The artifacts placed under the Example of accessing hidden artifacts:
By default, downloading artifact dependencies to the agent work directory is allowed, the agent home directory is prohibited. To override the defaults, set custom rules to download artifacts by specifying the comma-separated paths in the |
Clean destination paths before downloading artifacts | Check this option to delete the content of the destination directories before copying artifacts. It will be applied to all inclusive rules |
At any point you can launch a build with custom artifact dependencies.
Configuring Artifact Dependencies Using Ant Build Script
This section describes how to download TeamCity build artifacts inside the build script. These instructions can also be used to download artifacts from outside of TeamCity.
To handle artifact dependencies between builds, this solution is more complicated then configuring dependencies in the TeamCity UI but allows for greater flexibility. For example, managing dependencies this way will allow you to start a personal build and verify that your build is still compatible with dependencies.
To configure dependencies via Ant build script:
1. Download Ivy.
TeamCity itself acts as an Ivy repository. You can read more about the Ivy dependency manager here.
2. Add Ivy to the classpath of your build.
3. Create the ivyconf.xml
file that contains some meta information about TeamCity repository. This file is to have the following content:
<property name='ivy.checksums' value=''/>
<caches defaultCache="${}/.ivy/cache"/>
<status name='integration' integration='true'/>
<url name='teamcity-rep' alwaysCheckExactRevision='yes' checkmodified='true'>
<ivy pattern='http://YOUR_TEAMCITY_HOST_NAME/httpAuth/repository/download/[module]/[revision]/teamcity-ivy.xml' />
<artifact pattern='http://YOUR_TEAMCITY_HOST_NAME/httpAuth/repository/download/[module]/[revision]/[artifact](.[ext])' />
<module organisation='.*' name='.*' matcher='regexp' resolver='teamcity-rep' />
with the host name of your TeamCity server.
5. Place ivyconf.xml
in the directory where your build.xml
will be running.
6. In the same directory create the ivy.xml
file defining which artifacts to download and where to put them, for example:
<ivy-module version="1.3">
<info organisation="YOUR_ORGANIZATION" module="YOUR_MODULE"/>
<dependency org="org" name="BUILD_TYPE_EXT_ID" rev="BUILD_REVISION">
replace with the name of your organization.YOUR_MODULE
replace with the name of your project or module where artifacts will be used.BUILD_TYPE_EXT_ID
replace with the external ID of the build configuration whose artifacts are downloaded.BUILD_REVISION
can be either a build number or one of the following strings: *latest.lastFinished
- last build tagged with the TAG_NAME tag
file name or regular expression of the artifact without the extension part.ARTIFACT_FILE_NAME_EXTENSION
the extension part of the artifact file name.
7. Modify your build.xml
file and add tasks for downloading artifacts, for example (applicable for Ant 1.6 and later):
<<target name="fetchArtifacts" description="Retrieves artifacts for TeamCity" xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant">
<taskdef uri="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant" resource="org/apache/ivy/ant/antlib.xml"/>
<pathelement location="${basedir}/lib/ivy-2.0.jar"/>
<pathelement location="${basedir}/lib/commons-httpclient-3.0.1.jar"/>
<pathelement location="${basedir}/lib/commons-logging.jar"/>
<pathelement location="${basedir}/lib/commons-codec-1.3.jar"/>
<ivy:configure file="${basedir}/ivyconf.xml" />
<!--<ivy:cleancache />-->
<ivy:retrieve pattern="${basedir}/[artifact].[ext]"/>
, andcommons-codec
are to be in theclasspath
of Ivy tasks.To clean the Ivy cache directory before retrieving dependencies, uncomment the
<ivy:cleancache />
element in the example above.
Artifacts repository is protected by a basic authentication. To access the artifacts, you need to provide credentials to the <ivy:configure/> task. For example:
<ivy:configure file="${basedir}/ivyconf.xml"
is hostname or IP address of your TeamCity server (without port and servlet context).
you can use either username/password of a regular TeamCity user (the user should have corresponding permissions to access artifacts of the source build configuration) or system properties teamcity.auth.userId/teamcity.auth.password
Build-level authentication
The system properties teamcity.auth.userId
and teamcity.auth.password
store automatically generated build-unique values which can be used to authenticate on TeamCity server. The values are valid only during the time the build is running. This generated user has limited permissions which allow build-related operations. The primary intent for the user is to use the authentication to download artifacts from other TeamCity builds within the build script.
Using the properties is preferable to using real user credentials since it allows the server to track the artifacts downloaded by your build. If the artifacts were downloaded by the build configuration artifact dependencies or using the supplied properties, the specific artifacts used by the build will be displayed at the Dependencies tab on the build results page. In addition, the builds which were used to get the artifacts from, can be configured to have different clean-up logic.